We’re enjoying a record-breaking warm spell right now.
I don’t think I’ve been in shorts and sandals as late as November 10 before.
We’re enjoying a record-breaking warm spell right now.
I don’t think I’ve been in shorts and sandals as late as November 10 before.
A brief video on this La Presse piece shows a gush of water falling into Lionel-Groulx station and onto a stopped train. The orange line was down for an hour but working again by 14:15. It’s blamed on nearby excavation.
The shift to so much working from home will tweak the conventional snow removal patterns, so the city is planning more free parking so people can more easily move their cars.
yaa. More free storage for people’s cars paid for by all of us.
Well, temporary storage so snow machines can get through on residential streets. People aren’t meant to leave their cars there for very long.
Projet Montréal has made some strict new rules about its caucus members who think they’ll just sashay into running again next November. They’ll basically have to reapply for their jobs, and borough mayors will have to brush up their management skills.
It’s a strong message from their members that they are not happy with current councillors. (Rosannie Filato, I am talking about you!)
This is interesting: On y indique que les élus qui souhaitent se représenter devront avoir fourni un « rendement satisfaisant » et avoir atteint leurs objectifs de financement lors des trois premières années de leur mandat.
So, they want to kick out some deadbeats who haven’t been fundraising?
« . . . une évaluation équitable du travail de chacun des élus dans leur district, dans leur arrondissement », a commenté la mairesse Valérie Plante lors d’un point de presse virtuel.
So, they want higher profile district councilors, or they want low profile councilors to raise their profile.
Les candidats souhaitant solliciter un poste à une mairie d’arrondissementdevront pour leur part accepter de s’engager à participer à « une démarche de développement des compétences de gestionnaire ».
The best hint yet at the problems with a certain pair of borough mayors?
Management experience hasn’t been, as far as I know, a requirement for the job, but it isn’t a bad idea.
I have no clear idea what management training is about, but figured it must mostly be learning how to put a velvet glove around your iron fist.
It’s not clear to me: does this apply to Plante herself (as she is also an élu)?
Simon Brind’Amour has been found guilty of second-degree murder in the killing of Josiane Arguin two years ago. The jury took four days to decide.
(La Presse’s writer says here that the couple lived in Ahuntsic, but earlier reports said they lived on d’Anvers Street, in Park Ex. Update: this was corrected by afternoon.)
People have been holding car parties in parking lots, with some police intervention. This kind of thing probably led to the road racing crash early Sunday: this piece mentions, in passing, that the pedestrian hit during that crash has died.
It also seems likely that the fireworks I’ve been hearing in Villeray are not expat Americans celebrating the election, but car aficionadoes letting off steam and explosions in parking lots.
There have always been yahoos on Montreal roads, but stuck in heavy traffic on Decarie night last a group of about 30 motorcyclists – racing bikes, not Harleys – came weaving in and out of traffic, driving on the shoulder, driving through the construction zone, doing wheelies and weaving in and out of cars. It’s the first time I’ve seen such organized contempt for basic rules and safety. Felt like a movie, and not in a good way.
Mad Max on the autoroute? Yikes.
The boîte à chansons 2Pierrots has closed its doors after 46 years. I can’t say I ever set foot in the place.
Quebec government smiling ear to ear with those news. Health officials jumping in joy.
So government offers to help pay for fixed expenses…. Who would have thought you actually need to make a “profit” in order to continue operating a business. 8 months, zero profits with also zero knowledge when the government will graciously let you earn money again.
Nobody’s jumping for joy.
But I think it’s long past time the government recognizes that politely asking people to do what’s necessary doesn’t work.
The father owns the building so if and when people can gather safely in that type of place they’ll probably just reopen, no?
MarcG, the daughter says the building has been sold to a developer.
Sounds like they found a way to “put food on their table”.
dmdiem 21:59 on 2020-11-10 Permalink
November is my favourite summer month.
JP 22:59 on 2020-11-10 Permalink
It was a strange experience during my walk today… it looked like fall, felt like summer, all while seeing pumpkins and other remnants of Halloween along with the early Christmas decorations.
Kate 09:32 on 2020-11-11 Permalink
I know! I took out the recycling last night and noticed that several neighbours already had Christmas stuff out, and it was disorienting.
JaneyB 15:34 on 2020-11-11 Permalink
I’ve been feeling ‘spring’ because of the light and balmy temps. But red leaves, pumpkins, now xmas lights…it’s confusing.