Although the city claims it got the approval of the Resilience Centre – the day centre next to Cabot Square – over building a skating rink in the square, Nakuset says they got no such thing. I have no idea what they’re drinking at city hall, but Nathalie Goulet, who has the homelessness dossier, says “C’est une activité […] qui est rassembleuse et qui permet de créer des liens entre les personnes qui utilisent ce parc.”
I’m trying to figure out how the homeless who hang out there are supposed to make connections with people who come to skate. Is someone going to give them skates, or skating lessons? Do they want these things? It isn’t the first time a city authority has been quoted saying something like this, and it still makes no sense.
I would actually rather some honest official could say something like: “To keep the condo developers happy we’ve got to move the itinerants out, and this is a way of beginning the process while looking like we’re doing something nice and fun. Now fuck off.”
David86 20:31 on 2020-12-19 Permalink
It’s less the developers and more the residents.
Kate 12:53 on 2020-12-28 Permalink
There aren’t any residents yet.