Police bust Hasidic gathering
Police busted a Hasidic gathering Friday evening in Outremont, the number uncertain, but more than the 10 now permitted in religious gatherings; TVA says plusieurs dizaines. By the descriptions many fled, and three tickets were handed out. La Presse says police officers were hit in the scramble; the CP account says dozens rushed police. The video on the TVA link is worth watching, as fleeing men in fur hats call police Nazis.
Update: A Radio-Canada reporter tweets that on Saturday morning, police also raided another synagogue, this one on Hutchison beside the Park Avenue YMCA. Here’s a report on that from La Presse.
Second update: Radio-Canada now mentions a third such incident in the same area on Saturday. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but it doesn’t look like this is even a special holy day, so what’s up?
Ephraim 12:12 on 2021-01-23 Permalink
The should put police around the neighbourhood about 40 minutes before the sabbath and follow where they are going and hand out the tickets…. every damn Friday.
They have the HIGHEST rates of transmission in Israel… they aren’t following the rules and it needs to STOP. This is embarrassing the Jewish community as well. This is a violation of the Jewish laws on Pikuach Nefesh… all life is more important than anything else. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pikuach_nefesh
GC 14:14 on 2021-01-23 Permalink
Three tickets doesn’t seem like much for such a large gathering, but at least it wasn’t just warnings.
dwgs 19:11 on 2021-01-23 Permalink
Am I the only person greatly amused at the thought of a bunch of Hasid guys bum rushing a line of cops? Even better would be the cops trying to pick the guys out of a lineup afterwards.
Kate 09:35 on 2021-01-24 Permalink
The police lineup is comedy. Very Mel Brooks.