Police bust Hasidic gathering

Police busted a Hasidic gathering Friday evening in Outremont, the number uncertain, but more than the 10 now permitted in religious gatherings; TVA says plusieurs dizaines. By the descriptions many fled, and three tickets were handed out. La Presse says police officers were hit in the scramble; the CP account says dozens rushed police. The video on the TVA link is worth watching, as fleeing men in fur hats call police Nazis.

Update: A Radio-Canada reporter tweets that on Saturday morning, police also raided another synagogue, this one on Hutchison beside the Park Avenue YMCA. Here’s a report on that from La Presse.

Second update: Radio-Canada now mentions a third such incident in the same area on Saturday. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but it doesn’t look like this is even a special holy day, so what’s up?