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  • Kate 17:31 on 2021-02-15 Permalink | Reply  

    We’ve got a snowfall warning starting later Monday evening, running all through the night and tomorrow.

    Update: CBC notes on what’s closed; driving notes from Radio‑Canada.

    I definitely remember being pushed out the door to walk to school, 2 km away, in snow a lot more ferocious than this. High school, mind you.

    • Meezly 10:49 on 2021-02-16 Permalink

      I think it’s more to do with blowing snow and low visibility than accumulation. They want to keep drivers off the roads. Maybe prevent someone from being run down by a snow plow too. But yeah, times were less risk-averse back then.

  • Kate 16:48 on 2021-02-15 Permalink | Reply  

    The onetime owner of the Old Port’s Ferris wheel has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for extortion attempts – not, I gather, connected with the operation of the Grande Roue.

    • Kate 09:59 on 2021-02-15 Permalink | Reply  

      Résidence Herron in the West Island had the worst record of Covid deaths in the first wave, last spring. Now the owners are trying to delay an inquiry into what went wrong, and if they can’t get it delayed, that any results will be protected by a publication ban.

      Since Herron wasn’t a public CHSLD they seem to have the leverage to request this, although I imagine the bereaved families would be livid at the thought of any report being kept secret.

      Update: The coroner has permitted the delay.

      • MarcG 14:26 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

        I drove by there a while ago (you can see it from the highway) and they had covered up the big sign that has the name on it. They must have been getting egged or worse.

      • Ephraim 20:39 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

        If it’s a PUBLIC inquiry, then the PUBLIC that paid for it should have a right to see it, or to consult it. Or journalists should be able to consult it under the freedom to information act, because there are no secrets to hide.

    • Kate 00:27 on 2021-02-15 Permalink | Reply  

      Mamadi Camara appeared on Tout le monde en parle Sunday, not surprisingly saying he’s still shaken up by his arrest and incarceration.

      Yves Boisvert comments on Camara’s account of his arrest and CBC reports on his statement.

      • Kate 00:23 on 2021-02-15 Permalink | Reply  

        A church in St-Léonard is openly defying pandemic rules and there’s nothing here about fining the attendees.

        • GC 00:51 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          At the beginning of the video, the reporter says police claimed to not “know about it”. If we assume that’s true, just for argument’s sake, that could explain why there were no fines. Regardless of whether or not that’s true, I feel like it’s not the only reason…

          Gesualdi claims suicides are up. I wonder what his source for that is, since there’s recently been info published suggesting they are not. Which does seem counterintuitive–especially given that calls to the crisis lines were apparently way up. All the same, if he’s going to base his argument on it, he should at least get the facts right.

        • Chris 12:25 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          “The church has held regular protests against the public health restrictions”, “More than 100 people showed up to the Good News chapel on Sunday”.

          I’ve read the article twice and watched the video, and it’s not clear to me: was yesterday just another protest? Or are they opening for regularly scheduled services?

          Either way, they are no doubt emboldened by the recent Hasidic win in court.

          Like the pastor said “And what do you do when you’re confronted with things that conflict with the word of god?” Their behaviour is rational and correct given their assumptions. A fine on earth is better than eternal damnation in the afterlife.

        • Kate 16:50 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          As I’ve no doubt said before, I would not care what they do except that anything that boosts contagion in this city is an attack on us all.

        • Meezly 19:44 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          “Their behaviour is rational and correct given their assumptions.”

          Wouldn’t that be delusional – if their assumptions are not based on reality?

        • Chris 22:39 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          Kate, I assume that’s not an exhaustive list of things where you “would not care what they do”. 🙂 There are of course many religious behaviours that society should reject: killing of blasphemers, apostates, gays, etc. etc.

          Meezly, hehe, interestingly, the DSM specifically exempts religion from their definition of delusional.

        • Meezly 23:15 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          @Chris. How convenient!

        • Meezly 23:26 on 2021-02-15 Permalink

          Historically, the church has benefitted from all kinds of exemptions: taxes, omissions in the DSM, vaccines, rational thinking, large pandemic gatherings, child abuse. It’s a history of entitlement, really.

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