The public security commission is recommending that the SPVM make arrest reports public, one of 25 suggestions contained in a new report by the commission. It’s also recommending against racial profiling (I don’t usually go “duh” but it’s difficult to avoid thinking it sometimes), but also that officers caught doing that should be disciplined. Other suggestions include limits on how information collected by police is used, and that the public should be better informed about their rights under arrest, both of which sound like good ideas.
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A couple of nice vintage photos decorate this piece about an online tour of old scenes of Montreal, but of course no link to the feature itself, one of a selection of tours offered by the Museum of Jewish Montreal, which are not free.
I had plans to do one of those tours last Easter weekend with a friend coming in from the US.
Spring break is going to be something of an experiment this year, with Quebec lightening up on pandemic measures, including allowing movie theatres to reopen.
The first weekend will be mild and rainy, and here are some driving notes.
The city wants CDPQ Infra to look at burying the eastern REM where it passes through downtown, but the Caisse says only the elevated option is possible because putting it underground would cut into its profits.
You know, the city can just say “No thank you” and move on. If the answer to building is NO…. they will look into other plans. It duplicates part of the metro anyway. It continues from Honore-Beaugrand east and goes up Viau. Those are the new sections. Maybe it’s time to look at maybe making something from the Radisson station, running along the 40 and along Souligny going east? The innovation here is building commercial/residential around the stations and less drivers. Elevating to avoid costs of digging. Well…. doesn’t mean that the STM can’t steal the idea and propose competing ideas. I’m sure that there are developers out there who might like to collaborate with the city in that way.
I keep reading that the city has NO say, and the city CANNOT build it’s own. can we please split from this province?
I don’t know the specific terms of the law, but it seems to me, from years of watching, that Quebec has total control over this stuff. They ordained the rebuilding of the Turcot, and then the REM, without even asking the city administration what its plans were, what it needed to thrive. Quebec is not really interested in what Montreal needs in order to thrive.
Ephraim 18:23 on 2021-02-27 Permalink
The police need clear guidelines and what they can and can’t do with a mobile phone. And we need to press the to make these guidelines public and require that they inform the public about them. Anyone know if they have a set script like the British “Right to Silence” or the American “Miranda Rights”?
(Never been arrested… and don’t plan on it, either.)