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  • Kate 20:33 on 2021-04-19 Permalink | Reply  

    I knew I shouldn’t’ve put away the shovel. We may be getting some snow on Wednesday.

    • Kate 20:17 on 2021-04-19 Permalink | Reply  

      Mayor Plante promised Monday that no buildings would be higher than Mount Royal and the Gazette puts in the deck that of course Lionel Perez contradicted her immediately. He accuses her of playing partisan politics because Denis Coderre’s book suggests breaking that rule.

      • Spi 20:34 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Richard Bergeron did point out recently that technically the top of Saint-Joseph’s Oratory is taller than any part of Mount Royal. Ironic

      • Kevin 22:04 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Did I imagine it or has PM already approved a building taller than existing zoning?

      • DeWolf 10:27 on 2021-04-20 Permalink

        Lots of buildings have received zoning derogations, but if you’re talking about the height limit, then no. There are currently five towers under construction (Maestra, 1 Square Phillips, 900 St-Jacques, Victoria sur le Parc and the National Bank HQ) that are between 200 and 200 metres above street level.

        That said, the mountain is 233 metres above the river, so if you use the same measurement, 1 Square Phillips is exactly same height as the mountain.

      • DeWolf 10:28 on 2021-04-20 Permalink

        *between 200 and 202 metres above street level.

    • Kate 19:27 on 2021-04-19 Permalink | Reply  

      The city wants to establish an open register of residential rents to hold back massive increases between tenancies. But it has to ask Quebec.

      • steph 21:19 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Why haven’t housing activists done this yet?

      • Kate 22:10 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Informally they have, because there’s a movement for people to assign their leases to other people they know. But it’s not general.

      • steph 07:19 on 2021-04-20 Permalink

        I’m just talking about a “knock on every door campaign” where they can ask to put the details of your lease into a public database. At lease pamphlets… or a facebook campaign. something… I think a database like this is something these gro like FRAPU ups could easily build for the benefit of the population.

      • Maxim Baru 20:53 on 2021-04-20 Permalink

        housing committees and the like who are involved in these efforts are fuelled by the financial support of their members and communities; and their capacities are dependent on the quantity of volunteer labour that’s around.

        you’re totally right to ping their role in this struggle, and everyone who feels the housing committees & so on have a role to play could email them tonight, sign up as members, and let them know how much time per week they have to volunteer to this push.

      • Kate 09:26 on 2021-04-21 Permalink

        Maxim Baru, you make a good point here. Thank you.

    • Kate 15:20 on 2021-04-19 Permalink | Reply  

      Glen Le Mesurier, known for his unofficial sculpture park on Van Horne, has been installing new pieces in Mile End. The article’s a little vague about the location of the site it mentions.

    • Kate 15:16 on 2021-04-19 Permalink | Reply  

      The STM is to investigate the actions of some of its security force on the weekend at Jean‑Talon metro. Almost goes without saying that the subject of the incident was Black; the video is disturbing, but the STM is already saying it doesn’t show the entirety of the incident.

      These are the guys who will become special constables soon?

      • Bill Binns 15:42 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        The article I read said it was a woman who was caught jumping the turnstile who refused to identify herself, tried to run and bit 2 cops bad enough to require emergency treatment.

        Once again someone escalates a situation to violence rather than pay a simple ticket or accept other mild consequences for their actions.

      • Blork 15:59 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Kate: badly formed URL on “special constables.”

      • Kate 16:13 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Bill Binns: Cheating on a metro ticket is worth dogpiling on a woman (on anybody) and punching them repeatedly in the head?

      • Bill Binns 16:55 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        @Kate – Nope. Absolutely not. Do you really think that’s how this episode began? They saw her jump the turnstile and just started punching her in the head?

        Personally, I’m ok with cops punching or employing almost any non-lethal force to someone for biting.

      • Ant6n 18:20 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Sometimes i wish one could set up certain ppl on “ignore” here. Life wild be better without the constant small doses of crypto-fascist cynical nihilism.

      • jeather 18:47 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Honestly I think it’s at least as likely that they attacked her first and she bit in self-defense.

      • Ephraim 18:56 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        ESH. Is this not reddit?

        No one has a right to bite someone. But once subdued, no one has a right to go for an extra punch. TMALSS, the “cop” is going to get a few days off with no pay and nothing is really going to come from any of it. Because we are in the realm of shampoo, wash, rinse, repeat.

      • Janet 19:18 on 2021-04-19 Permalink

        Well, you get to know who you shouldn’t bother reading.

      • dwgs 09:27 on 2021-04-20 Permalink

        I personally know four people who have been beaten by STM cops in two separate incidents. Three former coworkers were being drunken idiots while waiting for the last metro after leaving a birthday party. They weren’t bothering anyone and weren’t damaging anything, just stupid horseplay. Five STM cops brought them into a backroom away from any cameras, kicked the crap out of them and threw them out in the street about a half hour later. They apparently took great pleasure in doing this, like it was entertainment for them. STM cops are dicks, full stop.

    • Kate 11:24 on 2021-04-19 Permalink | Reply  

      The Journal says the costs of building or enlarging three city libraries are rising very fast. The big glass enlargement to the classic Maisonneuve library (see sketch in article) is particularly expensive, but the budget includes upgrading the interior of the old building, which was neglected for decades. I went and had a look a couple of summers ago – it’s majestic on the outside, dark and cramped inside and all the walls and shelving are gamboge.

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