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  • Kate 12:40 on 2024-01-06 Permalink | Reply  

    Following the collision of two New York subway trains this week, the question is asked whether two metro trains could collide here. There has never been such an incident here, and there are means in place to ensure there never will be.

    • Nicholas 13:04 on 2024-01-06 Permalink

      It’s impossible to say it could never happen, but our metro is automated (the drivers only drive it in special situations), and the systems are designed, generally, to not proceed from a station if even the next station (or anywhere before that) has a train. In most of the NYC system, they use track signals and manually drive the train. In this case, there was a breakdown, trains were redirected onto an express track, then a flagger was out and both trains started moving at the same time onto the local track and the driver of the broken train was in the cab in the middle of the train so didn’t see the flagger. (NYC mostly using two staff per train is a worldwide-unique and -bad practice.) It’s just a lot of unique circumstances that all can’t happen here. A crash is never impossible, but here is much less likely.

  • Kate 10:30 on 2024-01-06 Permalink | Reply  

    The city plans to buy a disused church in Rosemont that can be used for social and community purposes. Ste‑Bibiane was built in 1955 and has been closed for religious services since 2002, although this item says it’s being used by a group that supports people who are HIV‑positive.

    • dhomas 14:46 on 2024-01-06 Permalink

      I lived nearby this church until 2014 (I can’t believe it’s already been a decade!). At the time, it was used by some community associations and there were frequent “bazar” type events. My mother-in-law still lives in that area and the buildings seem like they’re in decent shape, like the article says, probably from being in continuous use.

      Telus is getting a good deal there: less than 1200$/month for a commercial lease? You can’t even get an apartment for that amount in that area!

    • Kate 16:02 on 2024-01-06 Permalink

      It seems likely the biggest source of revenue for churches these days is renting out their bell towers and steeples for cell phone antennas.

    • Ian 19:03 on 2024-01-06 Permalink

      How much do they make for that?

      I’m glad so many tall buildings do it, it’s the main reason our cell signal coverage is much better than places like NYC.

    • Kate 19:49 on 2024-01-06 Permalink

      Ian, the article says that specific church makes $14,000 a year from Telus. I don’t know how representative this is, whether the church can make deals with other cell providers too, whether a taller steeple could bring in more money…

    • MarcG 11:46 on 2024-01-07 Permalink

      We need a sitcom about a Priest who spends half their time haggling better lease agreements with telecom providers and the other half listening to people confess that they spend more time on Facebook than with their kids.

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