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  • Kate 13:02 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

    Just for Laughs has cancelled its 2024 festival and is seeking creditor protection.

    Relevant editorial cartoon from Le Devoir’s Godin.

    Also from Côté.

    • Dominic 14:25 on 2024-03-06 Permalink

      Read on X/Twitter that with the corporate ownership of JFL it doesnt make sense that could be doing so poorly financially, that this will end up being a shakedown of government money from the province.

  • Kate 10:43 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

    There was a demonstration at the Holocaust museum by pro-Palestinian protesters Monday night against the presence of Israeli soldiers for a conference.

    • Kate 10:08 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

      Construction of a large residential project in Hochelaga has ground to a halt because it got started without the proper permits.

      • Kate 10:06 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

        Luka Magnotta has been moved to a medium-security prison although CTV says that correctional services wouldn’t confirm the news. There’s more wording from correctional services in the CTV piece.

        • Ian 13:28 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          Worth noting, “Luka” is Violette. I understand the newsy urge to refer to people by the name they are best known by, but deadnaming a trans person is gross even if they are a cannibal.

        • steph 13:35 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          can we just NOT say their name at all, it only glorifies the criminal and contributes to their infamy.

        • Kate 13:57 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          Ian, I reserve the right to assume that if she is posing as a woman now it’s for her own advantage in prison, and not because she has an honest and deeply felt belief that she has discovered she is a woman. Fiddlesticks.

          Also, those two news pieces referred to him as Luka.

        • Ian 14:26 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          Yeah I wasn’t trying to scold you. The news media is at fault here.

        • Kate 14:50 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          The news media aren’t at fault: nobody knows or cares who Violette is. Everyone knows who Luka Magnotta is, and people quite reasonably want to know what’s being done with him.

        • Kevin 15:59 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          There is no official confirmation that Luka Magnotta (birth name: Eric Clinton Kirk Newman) has once again changed names or is transitioning.

        • bob 18:13 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          The CSC apparently referred to “this offender” as “they”. Which is appropriate considering the number of fake identities “they” have adopted over the decades.

          According to an article in The Sun (https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/mandel-luka-magnotta-now-in-same-medium-security-prison-as-fellow-killer-paul-bernardo):

          ‘It looks like Magnotta, 41, is now claiming to be transgender and needs the specialized support of a medium-security prison.

          “Gay is a choice,” Magnotta is quoted saying in the 2022 assessment. “Trans is who I am.” ‘

          But, a leaked report by four doctors at the McGill University Sexual Identity Centre disagrees:

          ‘said he doesn’t meet the criteria for gender dysphoria and instead his feelings were the result of “fragile identity and need to periodically reinvent himself,” as a defence against “internal homophobia” and as a strategy to protect himself from other inmates.”‘

          And there’s more…

          uses “pat phrases she repeats, as if rehearsed” to describe his “gender journey.”
          presented as masculine during all three of their interviews – in his hair, clothing, body language and intonation.
          “There is no evidence or report of any lived incongruence between her sex designation and her gender identity,”
          “The narrative of being born in the wrong body may be a way for this patient to wipe the slate clean once again,” they wrote, “and reshaping herself to preserve the illusion of specialness (and innocence). ”

          So, yeah. I think he’s full of shit, as he has been all his life. Definitely lots of mental illness, but I find it hard to empathize, because there is essentially no one in there to empathize with. Strikes me as extreme narcissism, though he was diagnosed as borderline by several doctors, and claimed to be schizophrenic at trial. Nothing about his identities is real – it is all performance.

        • Daisy 18:25 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

          Magnotta has already changed his name once before (prior to the murder). He’s also described himself as a plastic surgery addict. Continually searching for a new persona is kind of who he is.

      • Kate 09:56 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

        Any building constructed before 1940 may now be considered historic, even a decrepit shed in a Plateau back yard.

        • Kate 09:40 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

          A pedestrian was killed Monday evening in St‑Laurent as a bus was turning off Decarie onto Édouard‑Laurin. The 65‑year‑old man was pronounced dead at the scene and the driver had to be treated for nervous shock.

          • Kate 09:35 on 2024-03-05 Permalink | Reply  

            A 71-year-old man was shot while sitting in his car in the parking lot of a restaurant in St‑Laurent, Monday night. The attackers were long gone before police arrived. Homicide #7 of the year.

            La Presse has more info: the victim was the father of the restaurant’s owner, and the resto sustained a firebombing a month ago.

            And more from TVA: Ziad Jebrini-Nahban had been warned by police that his life was in danger.

            • dwgs 11:34 on 2024-03-05 Permalink

              Parking lots would seem to be among the most dangerous places to be in Montreal.

            • Sam 07:29 on 2024-03-06 Permalink

              Another reason why Valerie Plante is building all those bike paths…

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