Police are investigating an attempted murder Saturday after an injured man, shot at least once, was found in a Côte-des-Neiges parking garage.
Update: TVA says the man survived a previous shooting in 2014.
Police are investigating an attempted murder Saturday after an injured man, shot at least once, was found in a Côte-des-Neiges parking garage.
Update: TVA says the man survived a previous shooting in 2014.
The city wants ideas for three new parks in Griffintown. But I’m puzzled by the article coda: “In 2016, under former mayor Denis Coderre’s administration, Montreal opened its first park entirely devoted to families in the Southwest neighbourhood.” What parks do we have that are not for families, and what does that even mean?
Radio-Canada says the old Chinese hospital in Villeray, closed for twenty years, is up for sale, although this was previously reported in La Presse in 2014.
Globe and Mail has an opinion piece bewailing the Plante admin’s abolition of the Ste-Catherine bubble tunnel plan, but the text actually explains some legit reasons to abandon it: people doing business on the street saw no advantage in it, it risked making the necessary roadwork take longer and be more complicated, and the plan kept evolving in weird ways. Who thinks it would “only” have cost $3.8M once it began to involve “inflated pavilions along the fringes of the site”?
The city is selling the Snowdon Theatre to a private owner, conditional to the preservation of its art deco façade.
The city is doing something a lot of Plateau dwellers have wished for: expropriating the garden of Notman House for a park. The green space was teetering on the brink of losing its centenarian trees for a condo development.
Denis Coderre’s dream of turning every spare green space into a baseball diamond is over. The Plante administration has ended the program, and is going to allow every borough to decide what kind of sports facility its residents want (if any).
Crémazie Boulevard is a chronic hazard to cross on foot so some people in ViSaMiPex are going to try to improve it.