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  • Kate 15:57 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

    The Port of Montreal is refusing to cede a few islands to the Parc des îles de Boucherville which would allow the area protected as parkland to be enlarged by 25%.

    The activities of the port are important to Montreal, but the coming and going of large, fast ships has interfered with the whales – the speed limit imposed on ships last year was rescinded last month – and is also being blamed for erosion of the river banks. A better balance has to be arrived at.

    • Kate 12:24 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

      The Gazette has an item on the Cagibi moving northwards, but this T’cha Dunlevy piece is really a pillorying of Shiller Lavy, the real estate behemoth that controls several commercial streets in this city. The firm has a record of pushing out local independent businesses to bring in more profitable tenants, almost always chain outlets, a preference that flattens out neighbourhood character and tends to make Montreal duller and more samey throughout. Shiller Lavy owns Masson Street, among others, and in 2016 the Journal reported on their investment in mansions for the wealthy.

      • Kate 12:02 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

        Lots of self-back-patting this week after the English wording of O Canada was changed to make it gender neutral. But it’s still a religious hymn, which I think is more of a problem.

        I wrote about the anthem in 2011. My thoughts on it have not changed:

        I was reading the OpenFile item on O Canada and looked up the official statement about the evolution of the English lyrics.

        I’m old enough to have originally been taught this version, with even more standing on guard than the current one:

        O Canada! Our home and native land
        True patriot love in all thy sons command.
        With glowing hearts we see thee rise
        The True North strong and free!
        And stand on guard, O Canada
        We stand on guard for thee.
        O Canada, glorious and free,
        We stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee.
        O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!
        The official statement has a subtle handwave in it: “[…] the version that gained the widest currency was made in 1908 by Robert Stanley Weir, a lawyer and at the time Recorder of the City of Montreal. A slightly modified version of the 1908 poem was published in an official form for the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation in 1927, and has since been generally accepted in English speaking Canada. Following further minor amendments, the first verse of Weir’s poem was proclaimed as Canada’s national anthem in 1980. The version adopted pursuant to the National Anthem Act in 1980 reads as follows:”

        So the official statement quotes some earlier versions and the current version, but skips past the Weir version – quoted above – that was used for much of the 20th century, and moves right to:

        O Canada! Our home and native land!
        True patriot love in all thy sons command.
        With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
        The True North, strong and free!
        From far and wide, O Canada,
        We stand on guard for thee.
        God keep our land glorious and free !
        O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
        O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
        The official site originally reported that the current version was championed by Francis Fox, then Secretary of State for Canada (a position that no longer exists). I wonder how much discussion accompanied the “minor amendments” that included the insertion of God into the wording. I think we were better off without it. (The French version doesn’t directly mention God, but does mention the cross and the faith, so it’s kind of implicit.) The word most people have stuck on recently has been “sons” but I think turning the anthem into a religious hymn is more of an issue.

        Now “all thy sons” has been replaced by “all of us” – except the unbelievers, of course.

        • Kate 11:25 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

          Club Sandwich, once a mainstay of the Village, is being demolished to put up a nine-storey multi-use building on the spot.

          • Kate 11:22 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

            The city has evicted two dozen Point St Charles residents from their flats on Centre and Chateauguay Streets, giving them a couple of weeks to find new places to live. The city says the buildings are unsafe; tenants, who should now be free to kvetch about the conditions, say they’re fine. Many news stories have given the impression there are far worse apartments being rented all over town.

            • Kate 10:56 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

              Valérie Plante presented her commissioner of indigenous affairs Friday with hopes that the role will be beneficial for its native residents. We’re the only city in Canada that has created such a position.

              • Kate 10:42 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

                Snow removal is already over budget in two boroughs and others are likely to follow. But don’t worry! We won’t get any snow on Sunday – it’s freezing rain instead.

                The city’s also making use of 16 snow chutes that pour snow directly into the sewer system – a method slower than merely dumping it somewhere, but useful as the snow dumps fill up.

                • Kate 03:40 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

                  Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingam won’t be brought back to Quebec for a new trial for the murder of his wife Anuja Baskaran in 2012.

                  • Kate 03:30 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

                    Valérie Plante’s support for the Evenko amphitheatre project was disappointing; some are also let down by her championing of the REM project, an apparent flip-flop since her election; now she also says she hasn’t ruled out the Coderre dream of a new baseball stadium around the Peel basin. Obviously city hall needs those renovations, because there’s got to be something in the water down there.

                    • Kate 03:25 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

                      A proposed addition to the Maisonneuve library isn’t to everyone’s taste, with some complaining that the proposed modern wing messes with the elegant architecture. The alternative proposition of putting any enlargement underground is frankly ridiculous: that building, while classy from outside, is cramped and outdated inside. The library will be far more useful and popular with a spacious new addition offering plenty of natural light.

                      • Kate 03:20 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

                        Some guys maintain an ice bridge off the western edge of the island, allowing motorists to take a shortcut between Oka and Hudson, not possible every winter but working fine this year. No complaints in the article about the $8 toll.

                        • Kate 03:18 on 2018-02-10 Permalink | Reply  

                          The St Patrick’s parade will have to go along de Maisonneuve this year because Ste-Catherine is all dug up.

                          Thank goodness we don’t have to concern ourselves about a Stanley Cup parade.

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