Gabriel Deschambault explains the memorial at the corner of Mont-Royal and Park: a champion skater of the 19th century.
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A young SPVM cop crossing the Champlain bridge homeward from his shift saved a man from suicide last week. Text and video.
A site called Architects Newspaper looks at the start of REM construction, although the opening lede “After years of deliberation” misfires. I’ve never seen a project of this scope handed down so suddenly, one day to the next, without any public deliberation whatsoever. “This is what we’re doing, and you’re going to pay for it” would sum up how it felt to me as a Montreal resident. No discussion whether it was the best use of our potential transit buck.
TVA is alleging that something sneaky went down during contract deals to build a new wing at the Jewish General and that an investigation was just as quietly squelched.
Update: More about the oddity of this story from TVA.
Since I can remember, the city has been talking about the extension of Cavendish to the 40, then drawing back. They’re drawing back again now.