Quebec is suing Bombardier over a crash on the Met three years ago, in which a truck driver lost his life in the ensuing inferno. Even at the time it was mentioned that the incident began when an aircraft fuel tanker belonging to the engineering firm suddenly stopped in dense traffic. The case alleges that Bombardier’s maintenance was negligent so Quebec wants $1 million in damages for repairs to the road. Nothing is mentioned about liability for the driver’s death.
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Police have been tipped to the identity of the man in the verbal harassment video that made the rounds a couple of weeks ago. So far no name and no news of charges, if any, have been given out.
Your weekend notes on the roads not to be taken.
Tim S.
I wasn’t planning on going anywhere so ignored this. Then I got a last-minute invite to the South Shore. I drove through town to the Victoria, my preferred piece of 19th C engineering, only to find at the last minute it was closed. The detour signs took me towards the Champlain, but via the closed Bonaventure. After 10 minutes of wandering around the area between Griffintown and the Bickerdike, I eventually figured out that the way off the island, paradoxically, was to follow the detour signs for Montreal (I think they were diverting people via the Turcot, but am not sure).
All this to say, thanks for posting these links Kate, and shame on me for not studying them more closely.
The OCPM wants to see some effort put into saving the industrial history of Lachine East before developers nuke it from orbit and fill it with condos, but what are the odds?
Related article in the Gazoo earlier this week:
A young man was shot dead in a park in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve in the early hours of Friday during a brawl. Everyone else had left the scene by the time police showed up. This is the year’s 11th homicide.