Cars are growing faster than population
The number of cars in the urban area is growing faster than the population with minivans and SUVs surging in particular and many of the vehicles on the road having only one occupant.
The number of cars in the urban area is growing faster than the population with minivans and SUVs surging in particular and many of the vehicles on the road having only one occupant.
Uatu 11:41 on 2019-12-11 Permalink
Yeah. This is obvious to anyone commuting. And also why I laughed when Yves Blanchet told Alberta to keep it’s oil because Quebec doesn’t need it. This guy is clearly disconnected from reality
Jack 11:57 on 2019-12-11 Permalink
The question is what are we going to do about it. One 150 lb. person, surrounded by 5,000 ib. of metal powered by fossil fuels emitting carcinogens and global warming is pretty stupid. When are we collectively going to do something about it.
The last climate demonstration we had is going to be the last “bon enfant” demonstration. The next mass movement fuelled by climate and environmental catastrophes will no longer allow comfort and indifference to be an excuse for our children’s suffering.
If you think this is a polemic wait till 2030.
Meezly 13:23 on 2019-12-11 Permalink
People still want their detached dwelling with garage, fill it with their offspring and get around in at least one large vehicle. Was it here that someone was super defensive about moving out of the city to avoid extra vehicles fees and how each family member had their own vehicle?
The city tries to make it less convenient and affordable to drive vehicles on the island, so people move out to the burbs. Some well-meaning types take mass transit, realize it sucks and go back to commuting in their cars, and find out that being stuck in traffic is just as bad, but hey, at least they’re in the comfort of their metal box as they spew out carbon particles, and they can still enjoy their detached dwelling during the weekend when they’re not spending 2+ hours shopping at Costco where goods made of illegally sourced palm oil and wrapped In petroleum by-products have been delivered daily by transport trucks.
A paradigm shift in mentality and education is critical along with ever stricter regulations, but that is probably only to come when some economic/environmental disaster is inevitably hits home. Meanwhile, people are just gonna keep on truckin’ until things get real bad.