In a piece about the bus doors, Metro also notes that the 747 bus kiosk at the airport is closed, and taxis can only transport one person at a time (it’s not clear whether Uber is held to the same standard). In the metro you can’t buy tickets or passes from the booth attendant, only the machine.
Quebec has delayed its tax deadline to June 1. This won’t count for much unless the feds follow suit, because the two returns are usually filled out in tandem, and if you organize your stuff for the feds you might as well do the same for the Quebec form.
Urgences-Santé is asking callers some questions about their COVID-19 status when taking 911 calls.
There will be updates later Tuesday from both Legault and Trudeau.
Daniel 21:07 on 2020-03-17 Permalink
Wait. I’m not sure I understand: I can’t use the fare validation at the front of the bus (OK, makes sense), but I’m expected to have a valid fare? So I can’t use my 10-trip pass? Is the idea that I buy a single-ride ticket at a metro station, use the bus, and then just burn the ticket later? (Or, yes, have a monthly pass)
Brett 21:15 on 2020-03-17 Permalink
When are the rear door card readers supposed to be up and running?
Chris 21:16 on 2020-03-17 Permalink
And infrequent users, that pay cash, they do what now?
CE 22:21 on 2020-03-17 Permalink
Considering how often the card readers at the front of the buses are out of order, I doubt this will make much of a difference for fare collection.
Michael Black 22:49 on 2020-03-17 Permalink
Clearly you make sure you have exact change or a card loaded with tickets, so if anyone inspects you, you can say “I have the fair, nobody wanted it”
Or maybe you are supposed to buy a ticket, then rip it so you won’t be tempted to reuse it. But keep it till your trip is finished as proof you oaid.
I think really they haven’t thought this through.
The stm site doesn’t yet have anything about this, though a page about the virus.
One site said adaptive transit won’t take change, though I don’t know if that’ s reliable. Thiugh, I have nowhere to go with it, my hospital appointment for tomorrow is cancelled. Though if I was in bad shape they would have taken me.
Every time I’ve seen a 24 pass by these last two days in the afternoon, they’ve looked very empty.
Kate 00:16 on 2020-03-18 Permalink
Michael Black, this wasn’t the STM’s doing, although apparently they’ve given passive assent to it. So no, they did not think it through and aren’t publicizing it. It’s the union, which is protecting its drivers by separating them from the constant stream of passengers. There’s no barrier, but there’s now some distance, and they’re also asking that passengers not use that seat that’s right behind the driver’s seat.
And you really do not have to sweat it about fares. Really, at the moment, it is not an issue.
Buses have been empty. I’ve taken a couple of 55 buses over the last couple of days which were 1/3 to 1/2 full at times when they’d normally have been crowded.
But I won’t be taking any buses for awhile now. My day job has folded for the moment and I’ve been laid off, like thousands of others. It’s not work-from-home, it’s a formal layoff, although the company is hoping to resume operations once the crisis is over – whenever that turns out to be.
So if anyone has work for a freelance editor/graphic designer/blogger, you know where I can be found.
dwgs 09:43 on 2020-03-18 Permalink
Kate, I don’t know if this is helpful to you (or anyone else here) but…
Uatu 10:36 on 2020-03-18 Permalink
This morning the red gate doors at Bonaventure were open so maybe it is in effect? I just thought they were broken
Kate 11:04 on 2020-03-18 Permalink
Thank you, dwgs. I’m listening to PM Trudeau talking about financial support as well. But I can apply for EI starting tomorrow and will be doing so, although if I can pick up any contract work at the same time, it will all help.
Uatu, I hope the gate doors will be open generally. If the bus is to be free, so should the metro.
Tee Owe 16:42 on 2020-03-18 Permalink
A few days ago Luxembourg made all public transport free (except a couple of things like first class train, sleepers) – ok little Luxembourg but why not other places? If the goal is to get people out of their cars and the whole thing is subsidized anyway -?
Ian 17:52 on 2020-03-18 Permalink
Ironically for once it’s probably safer for public health if people drive instead of taking the bus or train – even taxis are only allowing one passenger.
Chris 11:21 on 2020-03-19 Permalink
Ian, I think you mean it’s probably safer for *individuals’* health to drive instead of taking transit. But for *public* health, you’d have to consider all the public, holistically, including things like pollution. Then, there are many counter-intuitive things than come into play. It’s long, but you might enjoy this read:
Michael Black 12:03 on 2020-03-19 Permalink
I was going to say traffic seems down, at least yesterday about 3pm Sherbrooke had few cars. But today at 11am there were more cars, though maybe not as many as usual.
If people are staying home, traffic will be down.
Note that I’ve seen bits about ferries banning pedestrians, “you must be in a car”. Ian is right, that vubble is an advantage right now, if you fuss about these things.
Two kids were riding their bikes on a dead end, taking advantage of no school, and low traffic. But they seemed to be pushing spring a bit, even if the equinox arrived d today. (Apparently tge earlist in 134 years.)
Buses seem to be polluters these days, running empty. Even “free rides” don’t seem to lure people. Though, one stopped yesterday after the intersection (and the bus stop) making me wonder if it stopped in case I wanted a ride. A later bus seemed to wait at a stoo for longer, as if waiting to see if I wanted tge bus.
dhomas 14:29 on 2020-03-19 Permalink
@Chris: I think Ian was actually right, overall. People driving themselves is helping them keep distance between them and others (remember: social distancing!). Being in public transit puts you and others at risk of transmission, so overall harmful. I’m quite anti-car myself, and will avoid taking my own car when possible, but I think you’re pushing it a little far in this case.