Hmm, I copied it verbatim from the text, the headline was (and is) “Mask exchange ends in bus brawl”.
The combination of the title and the text substituting the word “mask” with “remarks” made me think it was an autocomplete error. It was just confusing, not necessarily wrong. My bad, mea culpa.
(BTW, That headline isn’t invisible, it’s used in the sidebar, and when you click on that, and in the RSS feed.)
mare 08:35 on 2020-07-26 Permalink
Nice autocomplete. (Original version: was “An exchange of remarks led to”. Early on a Sunday, and it’s remarkable how few errors our blogeuse makes.)
Kate 09:34 on 2020-07-26 Permalink
What? That’s what I wrote, and it isn’t a mistake. I’ve since added “about masks” because that was only mentioned in the invisible headline.
mare 13:41 on 2020-07-26 Permalink
Hmm, I copied it verbatim from the text, the headline was (and is) “Mask exchange ends in bus brawl”.
The combination of the title and the text substituting the word “mask” with “remarks” made me think it was an autocomplete error. It was just confusing, not necessarily wrong. My bad, mea culpa.
(BTW, That headline isn’t invisible, it’s used in the sidebar, and when you click on that, and in the RSS feed.)
JoeNotCharles 12:50 on 2020-07-28 Permalink
An important to part of this story is buried in the middle of the second paragraph:
Un passager muni d’un masque assis à proximité a reproché au jeune homme d’être entré sans masque et avec une bière à la main.
“Beer in hand” explains a lot.