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  • Kate 17:06 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

    The Sœurs grises may have to face a class action suit about their treatment of orphans and other children needing care, between 1925 and 1972, when the Crèche d’Youville closed.

    • Kate 17:03 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

      A girl of 16 was violently arrested by the SPVM last month, and now her mother wants to talk to the police chief about racial profiling.

      • Kate 17:01 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Moisson Montréal is being hit hard as the pandemic continues.

        • mare 21:20 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          “assure qu’un protocole sanitaire rigoureux a été mis en place dans les installations de Moisson Montréal.”

          Hmmm. Don’t see *anyone* wearing a mask in that photo, and there are many people in close proximity to each other, inside, in a loud environment.

        • Daniel 21:47 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          There’s a good chance that’s a file photo from the before times. If so, they should’ve made that clear in the caption.

        • Bert 07:11 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          Daniel is right on it. A reverse Google Image search brings back a result of this article from 2019-12-7 – https://www.lapresse.ca/noel/2019-12-07/moisson-montreal-confectionne-ses-paniers-de-noel

        • Kate 08:40 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          Nice work, Bert.

        • mare 11:34 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          Thanks @Bert. I was considering volunteering, but that photo made me think twice.

      • Kate 16:59 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

        As noted a couple of weeks ago, the Sulpicians have decided to move priest training from the Grand séminaire, where 400 young men used to study at a time, but there are now only 20 or 25 students. It’s good to know that they plan to rent the old buildings to schools.

        • Ian 17:15 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          That is good news.

        • Uatu 18:30 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          Yes. Fulfilling the intended purpose of the building instead of creating condos for dbags and Airbnb tenants/vandals

        • Ephraim 19:35 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          As of May, AirBnB listings are supposed to have their licence number posted on all listings, so that RQ can go after anyone renting for under 30 days who isn’t licenced. See https://citq.qc.ca/en/GuideNumeroEtablissement.php for more information.

        • Alison Cummins 11:07 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          Unless the Grand Séminaire is fully and equitably accessible to disabled people, it is not appropriate for schools.

        • Joey 15:48 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          @Alison fair enough, especially since current schools are not accessible. A kid in my son’s grade was wheelchair-bound this year (broken leg). His class was on the second floor, so he basically was relegated to a class in a lower grade, since there was no easy way to get him up the stairs every day. I guess in hindsight the public school system’s total inability to provide adequate instruction during the pandemic should not have been so shocking…

        • Alison Cummins 16:13 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          Interesting that the school did not understand its primary obligation to the student as meaning they needed to switch classrooms so that your son’s classmate could continue with his class.

          Instead, it was the student who was deprived of his education so that the staff wouldn’t have the hassle of moving around.

      • Kate 10:29 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

        Metro reports here that cyclists using pedestrianized streets are making them hazardous for the pedestrians for whom they were created. Possibly useful current list of pedestrianized streets: de la Commune East, Wellington, Mont-Royal and the part of St-Denis in the Quartier Latin. Ste‑Catherine is only closed to traffic on weekends.

        • Marco 11:55 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          How can they say it’s a problem when they don’t give any numbers on injuries and they can’t find any victims? I can easily say that ten times as many pedestrians have been injured by walking into each other. It’s just a gut feeling but apparently that’s all we need.

        • EmilyG 13:02 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          What I don’t like is cyclists on sidewalks when I’m trying to walk on the sidewalk (on non-pedestrianized streets.)
          Otherwise I think things will be fine if everyone’s just careful and looks out for other people.

        • DeWolf 13:38 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          De la Commune is a “rue cyclopiétonne” and bikes are allowed.

          Apparently Fleury is also pedestrianized in Ahuntsic, but due to a local backlash it will be once again open to cars after July 20.

        • CE 19:59 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          Part of Bernard in Outremont is closed which has resulted in the rest of the street being a lot quieter.

        • Mr.Chinaski 22:18 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          a lot of people whining about cyclist on Wellington in various Facebook local groups.

        • Kate 22:38 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

          Mr.Chinaski: the word “whining” is banned on this blog.

        • Mr.Chinaski 08:57 on 2020-07-08 Permalink

          Ahh ok, should I say instead : ” A lot of people are salty” 😉

      • Kate 09:02 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

        This MétéoMédia link may play audio or video. But I’m mostly linking this page for the graphic showing how this city is experiencing the driest early summer (from May 1 to July 6, at this point) in decades, with 81 mm of rain as compared to the usual 180 mm expected over that period.

        • Kate 08:10 on 2020-07-07 Permalink | Reply  

          A man was found dead in what Radio-Canada delicately calls “un établissement” in the Village early Tuesday. CTV also calls it an “establishment” and doesn’t even use the word “village.” But TVA says it was a sauna.

          The death is being called suspect but evidently it won’t be tagged as a homicide until more facts come out.

          • Bert 08:54 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

            The CBC were calling it an “entertainment establishment” all morning.

          • Kate 10:38 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

            Well… that may not technically be wrong.

          • Azrhey 20:02 on 2020-07-07 Permalink

            “commerce” puts the emphasis on the activity (ie a place where you go to buy and sell, as opposed to a dr’s office) , “établissement” puts the emphasis on the characteristic of the building (ie, the building was built for that activity). ie: RadCan is telling you this was a legitimate activity for the place ( well the sauna part, not the dead person part! )
            Not sure about the English.

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