Police action at Ubisoft

Police are at Ubisoft on the Main where, allegedly, an armed man has hostages on the roof.

I was out doing a few errands in Villeray a few minutes ago when half a dozen police vehicles screamed past going southward. Now I know why.

(One of my errands was getting a flu shot. As she administered it, the nurse emphasized to me that this was a flu shot, and I said – politely, but with a query in my voice – oui, je sais? And she said an awful lot of people who came in seemed to think they would be getting a Covid vaccine.)

Update: All reports say the hostage call was a hoax.

Later, CTV adds that the Montreal General was put on pre-Code Orange and told to get ready for incoming wounded. One nurse is quoted as saying the last time a Code Orange was called was during the Dawson shooting.