Pornhub removes non-verified content
That Pornhub has removed all non-verified content from its servers, whittling a collection of 13 million videos down to 4 million, is news worldwide.
Has anyone investigated whether this change will mean job losses here?
j2 20:40 on 2020-12-14 Permalink
It’s possible it’s the opposite, it might reduce costs.
(I don’t know their revenue model but I wouldn’t think that someone is upset because they’re finally at video #4000001.)
Strange note from the second, you needed photo ID to monetize the video – does that mean anonymous non-monetized videos can be uploaded and wasn’t that the problem?
Ephraim 15:33 on 2020-12-15 Permalink
Dan Savage, of the Savage Lovecast does mention that a lot of sex workers have seen their income go down by more than 50% because of this.