One year since Quebec’s first Covid diagnosis

It’s one year since the first case of Covid-19 was diagnosed in Quebec, in a woman just back from Iran, one of the countries hit earliest and hardest by the coronavirus.

It’s also a year since I last sat down in a restaurant, and I imagine the same is true of most of us.

The media keep playing two sides against the middle. This weekend’s grievance is that hotels have been told not to open their swimming pools, which some had hoped to do to capitalize on spring break. That bringing people together in this way is still something that oughtn’t to be going on is handwaved in favour of the storyline that it’s so hard on the hotels and on the disappointed families. Listen people: the coronavirus doesn’t care.

Lots of pieces this weekend on how to keep your kiddies amused and busy for a week. I hate to sound like the keep-off-my-lawn guy, but do kids really need their parents constantly making efforts to keep them entertained? I remember needing nothing more than free time to either go outside and horse around in the alley, read a book, or grab some paper and pencils and draw things. There was never enough time for the things I wanted to do. Had my parents tried to entertain me it would’ve been bizarre. I don’t believe modern kids are as unresourceful as all that, but the parenting attitude has changed completely.