The man who painted swastikas on the doors of Shaar Hashomayim synagogue and tried to set fire to it, in January, has been found not criminally responsible. He’ll be held at the Albert-Prévost mental facility for as long as it takes, or at Her Majesty’s pleasure, as the saying goes.
Updates from March, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
The federal government has given its approval to the long-awaited port terminal at Contrecœur, with some handwaving toward river ecology that’s not worth the paper it’s printed on.
Police have released some photos of valuable jewels stolen in an Outremont burglary a year ago.
Why did the owners wait for a year before reporting this?
My guess is those pieces have probably been reset and resold a long way from here by now.
But I wouldn’t mind owning that gobstopper of an emerald ring shown up top.
Tee Owe
What would you do with it Kate? When would you wear it?
Tee Owe
I mean, it’s an invitation to theft
I’d just look at it occasionally – hold it up to the light, enjoy the colour.
I don’t wear jewellery except for a couple of very small earrings. I’ve tried wearing bracelets and rings, but always find that I’ve taken them off and piled them beside the keyboard, without noticing I’ve done it. They get in the way.
Regular blog participant DeWolf has a good piece on CultMTL about the S.W. Welch/Shiller Lavy story.
If both parties are taking their fight public, they need to cough up proof of what’s being charged – alleged and actual. One says 20%, one says 150%. Nobody should be doing business by verbal contract anymore, so show me the correspondence and the leases.
PO, what reason would the bookseller have to lie?
Thanks for sharing, Kate!
PO, I go through the math in my story.
Welch currently pays $2000 gross. Shiller-Lavy is asking for $3000 *net* which is a 40% increase. The catch is that they want Welch to pay taxes, maintenance and insurance on top of the rent, which would add another $2000 to the bill – making it a 150% increase in total.
Lavy justified this by saying the building’s value is going up and taxes will be much higher. But according to the city’s tax records (which are public – anyone can consult them) the tax bill has actually decreased for 2021.
Emily Gray
Lavy is proud of a goddamn Lululemon store?
Pretty telling.Alex
Lavy sounds like the worst
Lavy clearly has no shame about being uncultured, at least. What use are books when you have all the money?
A little late as I just came across this. This isnews to me, but maybe not for some of you. But an insider perspective on how Joe Beef and Swiller Lavy used aggressive tactics to evict Lili&Oli Cafe:
Oui Papa!
Ray-Mont, a transportation logistics company, is suing the city for $373 million for delaying the construction of a large shipping hub in the Viauville section of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, southeast of the Olympic park. The city and borough seem to be at odds over their response to this project, which would border some residential streets and burden them with a lot of new, heavy traffic.
In Montreal and Laval, those aged 75 and up can now get a vaccine appointment.
Clic Sante was updated again this morning. Montreal, Laval, and Côte-Nord are now 70 and over.
It’s weirdly fast, I guess not enough people are booking appointments?
Guess I’ll find out next week how serious they are about 70+, because my mother (turns 70 in May) now has an appt. Though who knows what the rules might be in a week, at the rate this is changing.
maggie rose
I booked an hour ago. First available was for March 11, first time was for 11:50am. As I entered my personal info (2 mins tops), that time got snapped up and next was for 2:30pm. I see on twitter that appointments over the past day or 2 are getting taken up quite quickly.
It depends on the location a lot. For Decarie Square, there were slots open on Saturday this morning, but for a downtown location, nothing until end of next week and they got booked up as info was entered. If you are willing to travel a bit, I think there are more options, they are not all filling up at the same rate.
maggie rose
Development: just got a call from SHDM, my landlord, saying we’ll be offered the vaccine in my building door-to-door shortly. Date not set yet, but I think I’d rather avoid a trip to Arena Bill Durnan, so will wait.
@jeather – that’s interesting info. I dreaded the thought of Decarie Square, a mall that was described in a Yelp review as the mall that time forgot. I was there a few years back to visit Service Canada. Glum trip by bus, glum inside. I chose the Arena to avoid going there. I wonder if others might feel similar? Good luck with your mother! My online hangout buddies are all younger than me, and all helping parents, so nice to hear. My daughter is waaaay out west so….
Oh, it is a depressing mall, but if you have a car, it’s got parking, and it’s close to my mother. I’ve been there for, I think, SAAQ stuff in the past, it’s usually got very short waits.
Well, looks like a fun wait at Decarie Square.
Jesus, who edited that video? It nearly gave me a nosebleed!
I booked for my parents yesterday and it really depends on which vaccination centre you pick. My folks are about equidistant from the Villeray location on Christophe-Colomb and the Montreal-North location on Lacordaire. I would have been able to book an appointment for the same day, Tuesday, on Christophe-Colomb, but my folks preferred the Montreal-North location because there is dedicated parking. I suspect this is one of the reasons why there was much less availability in Montreal-North. The first available spot was at 14h30 on Friday, but it got snapped up while I was booking so I ended up with 18h20 instead.