La Presse’s Mario Girard does a fair dissection of Denis Coderre’s book, not hesitating to point out how many “new” ideas Coderre has just had that he’s openly copied from Projet, nor how many other individuals are credited with helping him write the text.
The key point Girard zooms in on, though, is that while Projet’s focus has been quality of life, often on the neighbourhood scale, Coderre is fired by a Jean Drapeau-like drive to “faire rayonner la métropole.” We’ve seen what that means, and what it costs. The real question is whether people will want more of that bread-and-circuses stuff if we can get past the pandemic – and whether they will want to help pay for it.
Mr.Chinaski 21:59 on 2021-03-27 Permalink
It’s weird because Girard has been ass-kissing Coderre for the past months
ant6n 06:23 on 2021-03-28 Permalink
Improving quality of live and improving all neighborhoods is something that could probably be done with levers at city-scale as well, as part of some sort of bigger vision. Not just with micro-action at the block level. Maybe I’m a bit out of the loop, but perhaps there could be some more vision coming from the current administration.
MarcG 12:40 on 2021-03-28 Permalink
All we need to improve quality of life is to call the cops more often – why even bother having a city council?
Ant6n 13:41 on 2021-03-28 Permalink
Well, perhaps the crypto fascist future a la Robocop doesn’t work for everyone.