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  • Kate 17:11 on 2021-07-02 Permalink | Reply  

    Every July 2, there’s a piece about stuff left behind on sidewalks after the chaos of Moving Day.

    If you’ve ever moved house, you know there comes a crunch moment where, however scrupulous you normally are about recycling and being a good citizen, you just want to dump the last bits and pieces, and go. Et voilà.

    • Kate 09:31 on 2021-07-02 Permalink | Reply  

      Convicted gangster Arsène Mompoint was murdered in Kanesatake on Thursday.

      • Kate 08:56 on 2021-07-02 Permalink | Reply  

        As expected, hundreds more people are now homeless after the end of their leases with nowhere new to go.

        TVA tells about a woman evicted on the claim that the landlord’s mother wanted the apartment, but who suspects the landlord simply wanted her out to jack the rent for a new tenant. Banners have gone up on buildings with mass renovictions, but it’s not as if that kind of landlord can be shamed – for them, it’s an accolade.

        La Presse did a balancing story by talking to landlords with bad tenants.

        A new study shows that tenants don’t sleep as well as landlords.

        One young man shot himself in the hand while allegedly trying to scare his landlord.

        • steph 16:46 on 2021-07-02 Permalink

          This advice is a day too late but to the woman evicted for the long gone landlords mother: just stay put. The police will not evict you without a jugement of eviction. A judge won’t enfore the corrupt agreement you signed. Boohoo to the new owners.

        • EmilyG 11:02 on 2021-07-03 Permalink

          I know I didn’t sleep well at my old apartment, and my landlord hated that, because the sounds I made (walking on the floor, coughing) kept him awake – he lived below me and kept reminding me that he was a light sleeper. Called me some nasty names too. What a control freak.

        • Kate 12:36 on 2021-07-03 Permalink

          I wonder whether there’s a division between tenants whose landlords live in the same building vs. those who live somewhere else. I have to admit, compared to the time I used to live upstairs of a landlady who hated me (she’d bought me with the building, so to speak), I’m happier with my landlords living in a different part of town.

        • EmilyG 09:57 on 2021-07-04 Permalink

          I think a lot of the issue with my landlord was due to the fact that yes, he lived below me and it was a very not-soundproof building, plus he’s naturally hot-headed.
          I know I didn’t sleep well there, lying in bed late at night with high anxiety over trying desperately to get to sleep and worried about making the slightest noise.

      • Kate 08:39 on 2021-07-02 Permalink | Reply  

        A report from a real estate analyst group says that, contrary to popular belief, the hot condo market here is not being driven by foreign investors.

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