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  • Kate 09:51 on 2021-07-10 Permalink | Reply  

    TMR will be producing Heinz ketchup soon – with Quebec subsidies, of course. The item mentions “Quebec’s business expansion program” but doesn’t say how much taxpayer money is being chipped in.

    Also, the fulsome lede about “the king of condiments”?!

    • Ephraim 10:30 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      But importing American tomatoes…I guess French’s really took a chunk out of their market and buys all the tomatoes in Leamington, after Heinz screwed over all the farmers and left.

    • dhomas 12:47 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      French’s tastes just fine by me, thankyouverymuch. (Not that I consume much ketchup, but the kids do). This seems very much like continued damage control from when they pulled out of Canada those years ago. I just wish we weren’t throwing money at them to do it.

    • Jebediah Pallendrome 17:31 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      Written by (drum roll) ‘intern’.

    • Kate 18:55 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      I was mildly put off by the metro billboards saying “Frenchs-tu?”

      But then I don’t use ketchup. My king of condiments is sriracha.

  • Kate 09:39 on 2021-07-10 Permalink | Reply  

    Global talks to a woman who works with the Maisonneuve Park sheep.

    What isn’t mentioned is anything about sheep poo, whether it’s messy, and who cleans it up. Or is it just left to fertilize the grass naturally?

    • Meezly 09:56 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      Sheep poo makes great fertilizer if you spread it and mix it with soil, otherwise it dries up. It looks like deer/elk poo, and has the appearance of shiny dark brown pellets.

      When I walked my neighbour’s dog on trails in Banff, she would surreptitiously gobble up fresh elk poop, as if they were nature’s chocolates. I suppose you could let loose some dogs if you need a quick clean up of the park!

    • MarcG 11:15 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      Some dogs are cute but wow are they disgusting. Imagine they were humans with social media accounts: it would be raw sex talk and scatology memes 24/7.

    • dhomas 12:48 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

      Not all THAT different from Twitter, then.

  • Kate 09:36 on 2021-07-10 Permalink | Reply  

    As is widely reported, the Canadiens held a post-mortem presser Friday where they reflected on the season and looked to the future. Lots more on this if you’re interested, circumspice.

    • Kate 09:33 on 2021-07-10 Permalink | Reply  

      Via is reviving the Ocean train to Halifax following its shutdown in mid-March 2020. But it will only run once a week.

      • ant6n 15:37 on 2021-07-10 Permalink

        Will covid be a great opportunity to prune via services permanently?

      • Kate 09:41 on 2021-07-11 Permalink

        Just when we should be boosting train services as an alternative to flying or driving? Maybe.

      • Daniel D 11:03 on 2021-07-11 Permalink

        I’m glad I had a chance to experience (most) of the route when I first arrived in Canada and was based in Moncton. It was my first visit to Montreal for a weekend break, and I remember how I quickly became enamoured with the city after this short visit (disclaimer: I flew back).

        From what I saw, the route seems important to the communities located along northern New Brunswick and the parts of Quebec it travels through. It would be a travesty to see it go the same way as the Gaspé line.

      • Josh 17:49 on 2021-07-12 Permalink

        Daniel D is absolutely correct. My wife’s family lives in a mass transportation desert along the QC-NB border where the nearest airports (all > 4 hours away by car) are:
        -Quebec City
        -Baie-Comeau (nearest as the crow flies but utterly useless to someone in this part of the country)

        If this train disappears completely, an area from Quebec City to Fredericton, from Edmunston to Gaspe to Bathurst completely unserviced by national transportation companies. (There is a small airport in Mont-Joli served by some small regional airlines.)

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