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  • Kate 19:13 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

    Workers at Notre-Dame-des-Neiges held a demonstration Sunday about the slowness of their negotiations for a new contract, and the cuts in staffing. A lot of people go up there for Mother’s Day and they had some nice demonstrating weather.

    • Kate 15:40 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

      No sooner are we spared spring floods, we’re looking at a forest fire season – including a brush fire in Rivière‑des‑Prairies Sunday.

      • Kate 11:22 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

        There’s the inevitable pushback to the Queen Mary bus lane plan, and while the street’s merchants will temporarily lose parking spaces for their customers, evidently a shortage of parking is nothing new. But, as a commercial strip, QM is served by several bus routes and a metro station, so it’s not like the area has to be reached by car.

        Here’s an idea: get an Opus reader for stores, and have them offer a discount to anyone who can show they arrived by public transit rather than by private vehicle.

        • Kate 09:37 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

          Michel C. Auger ponders the eastern REM – which can no longer be called the REM de l’Est because the Caisse de dépôt registered that name. Auger thinks better transit for the city’s east end needs to be provided, and more quickly than the leisurely completion of the SRB Pie‑IX or the blue line have proven themselves to be.

          Whether the STM, ARTM, the transport ministry and the city together can come up with a plan that’s more acceptable than the Caisse’s elevated track remains to be seen.

          • Robert H 14:40 on 2022-05-08 Permalink

            «Il faut aussi faire tout ce qui a été promis par M. Legault et Mme Plante au cours de leur point de presse de lundi dernier. En particulier, la modernisation de la ligne verte, qui permettra l’augmentation de la fréquence des trains. Le métro de Montréal a plus de 50 ans, il a besoin d’amour, et pas seulement sur la ligne verte.»

            Bien. Et n’oubliez pas qu’il était une fois un truc appelé la ligne rose. Peut-être qu’il est temps de la retirer de la glace.

        • Kate 09:18 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

          Pierre Arcand, MNA for Mont-Royal–Outremont, has announced he will not be running again. He joins Paule Robitaille, Christine St‑Pierre, Lise Thériault, David Birnbaum and Hélène David – making it half a dozen Montreal island PLQ MNAs that have declined to run again this fall.

          At this rate, I should call up Dominique Anglade and offer to run.

          Update: In contrast, Québec solidaire’s Manon Massé says she’s running again.

          • dhomas 09:48 on 2022-05-08 Permalink

            I’d vote for you. 🙂

          • Kate 13:27 on 2022-05-08 Permalink

            Cheers, dhomas.

          • jeather 19:45 on 2022-05-08 Permalink

            From what I’ve heard, David Birnbaum running again might do the unthinkable and sink the PLQ in D’Arcy-McGee. (Though I guess not, as there’s no real competition there.)

            Honestly it’s just as well — the PLQ has fucked up really badly and cleaning house probably can’t hurt. Though at this point I can’t imagine how the CAQ won’t win again.

          • Tim S. 21:59 on 2022-05-08 Permalink

            Opportunity for a new generation if they have the sense to broaden their recruitment.
            If Birnbaum ran again, I would happily spend hours volunteering for whoever his non-CAQ opponent would be. People I know are about to lose their jobs because of him.

          • Ian 07:47 on 2022-05-09 Permalink

            After the Anglade bill 96 debacle expect record low turnout amongst anglo voters.

          • SMD 15:49 on 2022-05-09 Permalink

            The PLQ have announced that lawyer and TMR city councilor Michelle Setlakwe will be their candidate.

        • Kate 08:54 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

          Public health says it’s found street cannabis cut with opioids and there’s been at least one dangerous overdose, so if you’re getting your supply from somewhere that’s not the SQDC, be warned.

          • Ian 07:49 on 2022-05-09 Permalink

            Back in the 90s you would occasionally see hash cut with opium but that’s not quite the same thing as fentanyl … fentanyl seems to have made its way into the supply chain for a lot of drugs where you wouldn’t expect it, even hallucinogens.

        • Kate 08:34 on 2022-05-08 Permalink | Reply  

          Two men were shot early Sunday in an industrial part of St‑Laurent. Neither is expected to die.

          I don’t usually blog Laval stories (there aren’t very many) but there was a shooting around 1 am Sunday on Curé‑Labelle that killed one man and injured three others. All the victims were together in a car, and it’s implied police don’t know why they would’ve been a target.

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