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  • Kate 19:26 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

    Two stabbings, one of a 14‑year‑old boy, and a shooting in Rivière‑des‑Prairies – near two daycares, according to TVA – were on the blotter Tuesday afternoon. So far, none of them is a homicide.

    • Kate 19:22 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

      Mayor Plante has announced a big summer full of events including street animation (send in the clowns?) and the 24‑hour bar licence at the SAT on the weekend has been called a success, leading possibly to more round‑the‑clock festivities. I’m mildly curious who’s pushing “Montréal 24/24” though.

      • Kate 19:00 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

        The Office de consultation publique de Montréal (OCPM) is generally favourable to plans to convert the old Royal Vic and the Allan house for other uses, but has some notes on integrating some land back to Mount Royal park and an attitude of respect concerning possible indigenous burials on the site, among other concerns. The full document of recommendations runs to 180 pages.

        • Kate 18:55 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

          • Janet 19:07 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            Bravo, Kate!

          • MarcG 19:56 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            Do you think it’s really her or does she have a PR person managing it her personal account is Palérie Vlante?

        • Kate 15:24 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

          Quebec has adopted Bill 96.

        • Kate 15:07 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

          Videotron is having issues, which they admit to on their tech support line. I’m connected here via iPad and phone hotspot, not great for posting, but the blog will be back as soon as Pierre Karl gets around to fixing it.

          • Kevin 15:24 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            Cooncidence that this happens as Bill 96 is passed…

          • Kate 17:10 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            Some combo of line glitches and an apparently fried router.

            I already pay nearly $100 a month for internet and they want me to pay an additional $3.99 for a new router. $3.99!!

          • dhomas 18:57 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            Videotron no longer allows for users to use non-Helix hardware, so that’s likely what the 3.99$ fee is for. You have a few options: buy your own Videotron Helix modem/router, which you can find on Facebook marketplace or Kijiji for less than what Videotron charges, provided you opt for the Gen 1 model (which is WiFi5 vs the Gen 2’s WiFi6); go for a reseller of Videotron service, which will allow you to use “standard” DOCSIS modems (I actually have one, if you need it); get on Videotron’s sibling network, Fizz, which comes with a free modem/router; go for Bell or one of their resellers.

            100$/month is a lot for Internet. I’m sure you can find cheaper.

          • Kate 19:31 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            My cable modem is a little box made by Hitron and my router, which I suspect is dead, is a really old Linksys. The technician I spoke to didn’t say I was supposed to have Helix hardware. I must do some research here.

          • DeWolf 21:27 on 2022-05-24 Permalink

            I switched to Helix and my bill dropped from $100 to $70 per month for unlimited internet… and the service is much better.

            With utilities it’s best to switch up your plan every couple of years, otherwise you’ll end up paying way too much for some obsolete package.

          • walkerp 07:25 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

            Go with a third-party ISP. Buy your own hardware. Videotron is the less of the oligopoly of evils here in Canada, but still want to see everything you are doing. That Helix box is nasty. TekSavvy is the big name but there are a few others.

          • Ephraim 11:29 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

            I’m on VMedia. Also have IPTV from them. Love their service… you buy the modem from them, but the router you can get cheaply used or… open box from Amazon via shorturl.at/bnLQ9

          • maggie rose 11:49 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

            I’ve been with Teksavvy, hmm, over 10 years. Pretty much since they started up. They had to raise their prices a couple of times (due to CRTC rulings in favour of the big guns). Not sure what their other services cost, my DSL, 400g a month, is 47.03. My main love for TSI is that they are engaged with fighting for the rights of 3rd party companies, for the sake of customers. Customer service has always been awesome. May depend on your location, they have ways to check that beforehand.

          • MarcG 15:22 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

            I have unlimited DSL with VIF for around $40/month + tax and they gave me a free old modem, but I don’t stream anything so it’s probably too slow for modern users.

          • Kate 17:43 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

            I’ve switched to Helix and will be getting my new hardware by Friday, with any luck.

            Why is the Helix box nasty, walkerp?

          • dhomas 19:33 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

            @Kate: I don’t have Helix myself, but my mother-in-law does. What I find really odd is that Videotron wants to know everything you do. All your personal settings are stored in the cloud (helix.videotron.com). If you do any port forwarding, for example, it doesn’t seem to be stored locally on the modem/router, but in the cloud. This might be what walkerp is referring to?

            I have Videotron’s sibling brand, Fizz. I signed up during their beta phase and got a ridiculous price that is grandfathered, so I’ll keep it as long as possible. I set my modem/router to “bridge” mode, so it only acts as a “dumb” modem. I use my own router hardware and I completely bypass the Videotron DNS. This is possible with Helix, too, but most people won’t bother.

        • Kate 08:53 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

          Hip-hop festival Metro Metro took place over the weekend, and reports say it got a little out of hand.

          • Kate 08:25 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

            Le Devoir has a video about the transformation of downtown.

            • Kate 08:18 on 2022-05-24 Permalink | Reply  

              Three ghost bikes were placed on the weekend, one for a woman killed in 1981 when a truck driver went through a red light, and two others for women who died on their bicycles last year.

              • Mitchell 05:35 on 2022-05-25 Permalink

                I saw the one on the corner of Notre Dame and St. Pierre (or is it Dollard at the intersection?) on my Sunday ride. It was a shock. But then, that whole section of the bike path from Victoria down to Notre Dame is a frightening little strip.

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