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  • Kate 16:13 on 2022-05-07 Permalink | Reply  

    Various media are reporting a fire on the Main on Saturday afternoon.

    Update: A lot of firefighters were called out, and there’s some suspicion the fire was set. Here’s a Twitter thread.

    • Kate 10:04 on 2022-05-07 Permalink | Reply  

      Two Le Devoir journalists share the accolade of “journalist of the year” from the National Newspaper Awards for a series on conjugal violence.

      La Presse was awarded project of the year, a series in which seven of its journalists united to cover the story of growing incidents of armed violence in Quebec. Links to all 17 stories are included in this piece.

      Both papers won other awards as well. All the winners are listed here (also in French).

      Editing to add: Radio-Canada won the jury prize in the Judith Jasmin awards, Quebec’s journalism prizes, for a radio piece on Antonia Nantel, the woman who helped create the OSM. The article lists other awards dished out to local media in various categories, including a second accolade for Améli Pineda and Magdaline Boutros at Le Devoir for their conjugal violence series.

      • Kate 09:53 on 2022-05-07 Permalink | Reply  

        The original owner of the Old Port’s Grande Roue, who’s doing time for extortion, now faces civil proceedings in which his victims want to sue him for $1.6 million.

        • Kate 09:26 on 2022-05-07 Permalink | Reply  

          The Black Coalition of Quebec has taken up the case of Bader Niang, the homeless man gratuitously knocked down by police last week. Niang also says the other cop brought his makeshift shelter down on his head before the incident in the video. As observed here by Joel DeBellefeuille, himself a target of police profiling, it’s ironic this happened a day after the police announced an attempt to be more cuddly. One or both officers in the Niang incident are under internal investigation, which generally means that about five years from now they will be given two weeks off.

          • Kate 09:19 on 2022-05-07 Permalink | Reply  

            Rosemont’s Ukrainian cathedral has consecrated a new large egg sculpture based on the traditional pysanka, but dead white. Curiously, the artist is Brazilian, and the process of selecting her began a year ago, before Ukraine was so much in the news.

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