Major prizes for local journlos

Two Le Devoir journalists share the accolade of “journalist of the year” from the National Newspaper Awards for a series on conjugal violence.

La Presse was awarded project of the year, a series in which seven of its journalists united to cover the story of growing incidents of armed violence in Quebec. Links to all 17 stories are included in this piece.

Both papers won other awards as well. All the winners are listed here (also in French).

Editing to add: Radio-Canada won the jury prize in the Judith Jasmin awards, Quebec’s journalism prizes, for a radio piece on Antonia Nantel, the woman who helped create the OSM. The article lists other awards dished out to local media in various categories, including a second accolade for Améli Pineda and Magdaline Boutros at Le Devoir for their conjugal violence series.