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  • Kate 20:13 on 2022-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

    The city has exercised its right to buy a piece of land on Jarry in Park Extension, where it wants to put up 30 units of social housing – but it will need financial assistance from Quebec to do it.

    Interestingly, some of the regulars on a Park Ex Facebook group aren’t happy about this because it’s bringing more people “and more cars” to the area. I pointed out that if there were a private condo development there, the gentrification would be worse and there would certainly be more cars than around a social housing development. They also resent having “tax money” pay for the project (although, like the recent purchase of Million Carpets and Tiles by the city, admittedly the price paid is considerably more than valuation).

    There’s also a tone of NIMBYism: Park Ex is already too dense, why build it here? Which ignores, as I say, the fact that something‘s going to be built on that lot, one way or another. Also, Park Ex is mostly two‑storey housing, how can it be so population dense?

    • Kate 19:51 on 2022-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

      Two seniors’ residences in Montreal have been put under direct management by Quebec because they’ve been judged risky to the health and well‑being of their residents. The owner is a Vivalto, a company in France but with some ownership in the UAE, and the article hints at poor management of their French residences as well.

      • Uatu 14:43 on 2022-11-18 Permalink

        But I thought the private sector would do it better and more efficiently….:P

    • Kate 09:39 on 2022-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

      News of the steep price hike for the Bellechasse bus garage was first mentioned last month, but now we know why: mid‑project, it was decided to make it an underground facility.

      • jeleventybillionandone 18:37 on 2022-11-17 Permalink

        I wonder what’s going to happen to the swoopy above-ground parkade.

      • Marco 12:01 on 2022-11-18 Permalink

        Live in the area and far back as I remember, even before they started digging the hole, this has always been an underground facility. They had public consultations and the area residents complained that the proposal to have it above ground would be a huge eyesore. This was even before they started digging the massive hole that was to become the foundation of the garage and definitely before they announced the project and costs to the public. I find it hard to believe that they only realized half way though the project that it would be an underground facility.
        No surprise though. They found reasons to charge over a million dollars to renovate a 15′ by 15′ gazebo on Mount Royal so it’s no surprise that a $254 million dollar project magically turns into $525 million.

      • DeWolf 12:06 on 2022-11-18 Permalink

        @jeleventybillionandone Are you referring to the wood structure being built on top of the bus garage? That’s a pavilion that will serve the park that will be built on the garage roof. The roof slopes down towards Bellechasse where it will meet the street and provide public access.

    • Kate 09:33 on 2022-11-17 Permalink | Reply  

      Brigitte Bardot has weighed in on the proposed Longueuil deer cull.

      • Blork 10:21 on 2022-11-17 Permalink

        In Quebec, to “Bardot the situation” is equivalent to “jumped the shark.”

      • John B 12:26 on 2022-11-17 Permalink

        Maybe Longueuil should introduce a pack of wolves & a bear or two to the park. That’s the more “natural” solution, which I’m sure the citizens of Longueuil and park users will appreciate.

      • Taylor C. Noakes 22:01 on 2022-11-18 Permalink

        Having lived in Western Pennsylvania for a few years, I can say this about deer:

        1. Lyme disease is no joke

        2. Breeding-wise, they are the Cervidae equivalent of Leporidae

        3. If they are culled, the meat and skins shouldn’t be wasted

        4. They do need to have their populations managed, and urban wolves have been quite effective in New Dehli

        5. It was not unusual to see 30 or so deer crossing the street in Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park, which is kind of in the middle of the city. It was also not unusual to see a dead deer carcass pretty much every single time you’d go drive anywhere

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