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  • Kate 21:18 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

    The small Musée des Hospitalières that’s part of the Hôtel‑Dieu complex has a new exhibit on the history of Mount Royal opening this week and running till the end of summer 2024.

    • Kate 21:14 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

      Seizing the moment of the COP15, Mayor Plante has launched the Engagement de Montréal to encourage other cities to make changes to favour biodiversity.

      • Kate 21:11 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

        Gorilla Park was an undefined green space in the Marconi‑Alexandra neighbourhood. It belonged to CP. In 2013, Olymbec, the new owner, completely razed all the trees and bushes, and had the earth covered with gravel.

        Now the city has expropriated the land, and plans to turn it back into a green oasis in that little postindustrial neighbourhood.

      • Kate 19:51 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

        The Globe and Mail has a slightly frothy piece on tips by Montrealers for getting outside in the winter.

        • Kate 17:06 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

          The city has put up 1600 more shelter places for the homeless with support services, and not only for winter. However, they’re still intended only to be temporary help, although there’s also a brief mention in La Presse of a plan to find actual homes for 250 people by next spring.

          • Kate 17:03 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

            The public health response to Covid was harder on some social groups than others and this should be kept in mind for future events, according to a study presented by the city’s public health director, Dr Mylène Drouin, this week.

            The report cited a litany of troubles that worsened under lockdown and curfew: mental health struggles, food insecurities, drug and alcohol consumption and an increased risk of domestic violence.

            We can only hope that a more virulent and dangerous pathogen doesn’t arise in the short term, because our governments have been thoroughly bullied out of mandating masks and distancing as means of limiting contagion. A report like this will be used by some to emphasize how very unfair are these simple, practical means of reducing infection.

            • Kate 11:08 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

              A building in the Plateau with stores and apartments was evacuated in a hurry Tuesday, after signs it might collapse, but also concern that residents might be at risk from electrical cables. There’s also mention of water infiltration. The Journal talks to one tenant, who’s mad that the city has done little to force the landlords to make the building safe.

              • Amanda 12:48 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                The tenant is right, this could have been avoided. The building has been obviously deteriorating for a while. Most of the ground floor “businesses” are vacant and have been for years. I’ve seen water pouring out from under the front doors and flooding the sidewalk several times in the last few months. At times this summer there was so much water pooled on the sidewalk that you couldn’t walk on that side of Roy. Lately there’s been a fenced off perimeter around a sinkhole near the curb.

              • Joey 14:21 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                Half the units are vacant and the landlords are suing each other. Recipe for disaster.

            • Kate 10:22 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

              Montreal public health is advising the wearing of masks against respiratory infections, while François Legault, no doubt nervously eyeing the more fractious elements of society, is refusing to revive any mandate. Libertarians will make patients of us all.

              • Spi 21:13 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                Oh joy, I’m looking forward to seeing the CAQ playbook again, take ineffective public health measures too late only to be forced into taking drastic measures to avoid the worst.

              • MarcG 00:11 on 2022-11-17 Permalink

                These public statements will be useful in future court cases.

              • Chris 15:46 on 2022-11-17 Permalink

                What kind of court case do you imagine?

              • MarcG 17:15 on 2022-11-17 Permalink

                Maybe cases like these from groups of parents whose kids are currently dying, or inviduals who become disabled by Long Covid, or members of vulnerable families who have had to quit their jobs because workplaces aren’t safe for them… just a few ideas off the top of my head.

            • Kate 09:22 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

              On the first snow day, drivers always have to relearn how to cope with the conditions.

              • Kate 09:21 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

                Chinese national Yueshang Wang, accused of spying on Hydro‑Quebec’s industrial secrets while working there, remains locked up for now, but it takes the Journal to ask the real question: why was Wang hired when he can’t speak French?

                • thomas 14:59 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  I am more puzzled by the assertion he can’t speak English. For someone, who doesn’t speak English he has contributed to an impressive number of papers in English journals.

                • Kate 16:34 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  He could be brilliant at engineering development and other people could’ve written it up.

                • Al 16:39 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  If he was working for a specific project that requires expert knowledge, I don’t see why French should be a barrier. I’m sure they make exceptions when necessary.

                • Kate 21:38 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  French should always be a barrier. Bill 96 doesn’t have any notwithstanding clause.

              • Kate 09:07 on 2022-11-16 Permalink | Reply  

                We’re to expect a phone alert at five minutes to two, Wednesday afternoon.

                Update: Yep, there it goes.

                • mare 11:59 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  Hah, I have a doctor’s appointment at that time, will be fun to hear that soothing sound propagate through the hospital. (Remember when cellphones weren’t allowed in hospitals? Seems like decades ago.)

                • EmilyG 12:17 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  One time I was in a mall when the phone alert went off on many people’s phones at once. It was kinda fun to watch.

                • Blork 15:44 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  I think I got it. I was flipping through some stuff on my phone at the time and it just hiccuped and a screen flashed for half a second (just as I was flipping something) so zing, it was gone. Did I miss anything? 🙂

                • CE 17:04 on 2022-11-16 Permalink

                  I had a job interview today right when the test was set to happen. I’m glad I remembered to turn off my phone before hand.

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