Two arrests in attempt on Rizzuto

Two men have been arrested in the attempt on Leonardo Rizzuto’s life in March. They’re accused of being the driver and the shooter when Rizzuto was shot at the wheel of his car.

Update: Radio-Canada now says that Francesco Del Balso rented the two cars that were used in the attack on Leonardo Rizzuto. Del Balso was killed on June 5, only leaving us wondering why he thought he could get away with turning against the Rizzutos, with whom he used to be associated.

I still wonder about the ethics here: “Averti par les policiers que sa vie était en danger, Del Balso cherchait à fuir hors du Canada. La SQ était alors intervenue en mars dernier pour lui confisquer son passeport.” It doesn’t say which police warned him, but when the SQ took his passport, effectively boxing him in with his enemies, surely they knew they were throwing him to the wolves?

Everyone’s entitled to justice and to reasonable protection from danger. Even mooks.