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  • Kate 21:00 on 2023-11-18 Permalink | Reply  

    A large crowd held yet another demonstration Saturday for a ceasefire in Gaza.

    • Kate 17:21 on 2023-11-18 Permalink | Reply  

      There’s a demonstration planned Sunday at 11:00 at Victoria Square to demand support for public transit.

      Update: The demo took place but it wasn’t a big one.

      • Tim S. 21:31 on 2023-11-19 Permalink

        I sympathize, but there at just so many demos to choose from these days.

      • EmilyG 23:40 on 2023-11-19 Permalink

        I would’ve liked to go to it if I’d had the time.

      • dhomas 16:59 on 2023-11-20 Permalink

        I would have gone, but the bus service is terrible on Sundays! 😉

    • Kate 12:50 on 2023-11-18 Permalink | Reply  

      A vacant building was the site of a four‑alarm fire overnight, a hundred firefighters called to the scene. The lede says it was criminally set.

      Looks like this was the building. The Google Streetview photo shows it’s been abandoned for some time – a building that could’ve been occupied all this time, during a housing crunch. How many more of them are there around town?

      • BobR 13:29 on 2023-11-18 Permalink

        There was also a small fire last night at Copie 2000 on Avenue du Parc near Laurier, which I haven’t seen elsewhere reported. It caused a neighborhood power outage. The building is stone, and the only evidence of the fire I could see from across the street was plywood in the place of the front door (which perhaps was knocked down by firefighters, to gain entry).

      • Kevin 10:50 on 2023-11-19 Permalink

        I used to live on that block!

    • Kate 09:59 on 2023-11-18 Permalink | Reply  

      Users who don’t manually lock cars at the end of their trip are leaving a moment for thieves to steal cars from Communauto.

      • Ian 12:05 on 2023-11-18 Permalink

        I guess it’s just joyriders?

        Or maybe communauto users trying to score a freebie on someone else’s account?

        With all the built in tracking and connectivity I’m surprised they can’t disable the car or set off à 911 call.

        I mean, I can do that to my phone from my laptop using free software…

      • MarcG 13:01 on 2023-11-18 Permalink

        Seems like joyriders since the cars are easily found – probably young people who found a cheap way to have some fun. Disabling a car that’s currently being used seems dangerous (unless they could detect that it’s in a safe place, but how complicated would that be?), and calling 911 automatically is overkill when there’s no way to tell if it’s legit usage or not. Needing to ‘sign-in’ every single time the engine is started would be a way to add a layer against this but they would have to make it painless for the user.

      • Blork 15:48 on 2023-11-18 Permalink

        MarCG is correct that disabling a car that’s in use is dangerous. Even the services like OnStar won’t do it until they detect that the car isn’t moving (and I think the engine needs to be shut off).

      • Ian 18:18 on 2023-11-18 Permalink

        That is what I meant but to be fair it would be hilariously awful if the brakes just stopped working or something.

        I was thinking of how typically you can’t activate a Communauto without using your pass, and how sometimes it doesn’t work if the satellite signal is compromised by, for instance, freezing rain on the windshield.

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