Various reports say Saturday’s Santa parade was a popular success, although the headline (as shown on the TVA front page) Une cinquantaine d’enfants malades au défilé du père Noël made me wonder for a moment what they’d put in the candy canes.
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Retired police and calèche horses really do go to a nice farm, it’s not a dark joke.
That’s so nice to know. There’s a very brief mention that the rescue is a non-profit (with a fundraiser on Dec. 9 with no other links or detes), but I wonder if there’s any funding from the city since the horses used to literally work for the city, either as police horses or for tourists.
I can see from the media attention that it’s newsy that the Montreal Carabins have won the Vanier Cup.
Since it’s a slow news day here, I’m posting this request from the friend who rescued the cat that became the Montreal City Weblog resident mouser.
Nadia has two kittens, littermates, who are in a foster home for the moment, but the fosterers plan to go away for the holidays. So she’s hoping to find a permanent home for these two charmers before that time.
Any takers, please direct queries to
(The kittens are not living with me.)
Aww too cute. My 2 middle aged rescues would be super mad at me though.
Slow news day so we looked father afield for some Montreal news and we see that the Globe did a “most livable Canadian cities” ranking and Quebec’s #1 most livable city is Town of Mont Royal.
Let the debate begin.Orr
Here’s another Montreal story we have to read the Toronto media to find out about.
We were going to do a tour of Canada’s new arctic offshore patrol ship “Harry DeWolf” in the Vieux Port today but tours have been cancelled bc the ship brought some Covid back from its mission of extreme national (military-recruitment football tie-in public relations campaign) importance of physically delivering the Grey Cup from Toronto to Hamilton which let’s remember is a game Montreal won!
Toronto star and cbc have the story but don’t see it anywhere in the Montreal media.
You can tell there’s not much weekend news when the recent policy of bouncing smelly people from public libraries is being covered by most media platforms.
But the unwashed are not only to be given the bum’s rush. They can be fined anywhere from $350 to $3000. How someone who can’t get a shower or wash their clothes can be expected to pay fines is left to the imagination.
It’s not really about hygiene, as we know. It’s about having libraries function as daytime homeless shelters. This has been the case for decades and has made libraries kind of unsafe/unsettling for women and children especially. I have had many weird experiences in downtown public libraries throughout the country. Though some argue the homeless should ‘feel welcome’ in public spaces, others find puzzling a commitment to combine libraries with a population that is significantly mentally ill and/or substance abusing. Certainly the homeless need to be somewhere – ideally in a rooming house – but suggesting they are mostly patrons like anyone else seems a bit disingenuous.
While I agree it’s not entirely about hygiene, there was a big problem with bedbugs at the Grande Bibliothèque that made it necessary to remove all upholstered furniture.
I’ve largely avoided public libraries since the suggestion that they’re a possible locus for bedbugs. That issue hasn’t been mentioned in the recent law, though – only the smell.
Jinx, Ian – we were both pondering the same issue.
One of the articles also mentions a rule against bringing in bedbugs. Though I imagine that’s not something that people do on purpose.
What CTV is calling rather Britishly a Father Christmas parade starts at 11 am Saturday.
Maybe they were translating “Père Noël” rather literally.
It has now been changed to “Santa Claus”! Maybe they read your blog.
Daisy, I’m pretty certain they do.
Some do, some don’t 🙂