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  • Kate 18:38 on 2023-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

    The CAQ must be popping the champagne at the news that their tuition hike law means downgraded credit scores for McGill and Concordia.

    • bob 23:05 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

      Pretty much nothing that these anti-literate faux-nationalist opportunists wouldn’t despoil for a buck or a vote.

      They’ll be amping the bigoted stuff up now that the PQ zombie has been raised from the dead.

  • Kate 18:36 on 2023-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

    The Montreal suicide prevention centre has seen a 31% rise in calls since last year. It’s starting its annual fundraising drive.

    • azrhey 15:15 on 2023-11-28 Permalink


      suicide.ca is not the Montreal prevention centre, it’s the chat/text service offered throughout Quebec, with “call” centers in Chicoutimi, Quebec, Grandby and Montreal, but they don’t do phone calls.. the SPCM website is https://cpsmontreal.ca/

      I worked at Suicide Action Montreal, whose name changed to Suicide Prevention Centre of Montreal ( SPCM or CPSM in French ) from 2019 to 2 months ago 🙂


    • Kate 17:31 on 2023-11-28 Permalink

      Thank you, azrhey. Radio-Canada included the suicide.ca link in their piece so I assumed it was connected to the story.

  • Kate 11:45 on 2023-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

    A Jewish centre in Snowdon was hit by a Molotov cocktail early Monday, doing little damage before police arrived. La Presse also notes some graffiti painted near a Jewish school in St‑Laurent on the weekend.

    • Kate 09:17 on 2023-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

      Forbes has a piece on cocktail culture in the city they persist in calling Montréal even though they’re writing in English.

      As someone once told me, they liked writing it with the accent because it felt more exotic. Not when you live here, sweetheart.

      • steph 09:45 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        ḞǪ́℞B́ẼŞ could be a little more exotic themselves.

      • Meezly 12:09 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        I can appreciate that a major American magazine is profiling cocktail culture in Montreal because it must mean that there’s been an evolution of sorts. As someone who appreciates a nicely mixed drink now and then, it has been easier to find a good cocktail in this city than say a decade ago.

        And I learned something new: the former dearly missed Taverne Square Dominion has been reincarnated as Bar Dominion. It looks like the beautiful interior has been kept intact too!

      • Daisy 13:28 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        Montréal is Montreal in English, just like Roma is Rome in English, München is Munich, Wien is Vienna, Lisboa is Lisbon, etc.

      • mb 14:50 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        I thought Montréal was the spelling of choice in Franco-friendly English. Obviously, I was wrong!

      • Daisy 15:22 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        My two cents: If you pronounce it mon-ray-AL while speaking in English, then by all means write it Montréal while writing in English. But I have never heard that from someone with high English fluency.

      • Ian 18:00 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        “Montréal is Montreal in English, just like Roma is Rome in English”
        More like Bruxelles-Ville is Stad Brussel in French and Stad Brussel is Bruxelles-Ville in Flemish 😉

      • Robert H 19:33 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        It’s interesting to read these articles from foreign English language media about Montreal. Obviously they vary in quality, but they are indicators that the city has an international profile. When writers use the accented spelling, that’s also an indicator of the success of Quebec’s policy of promoting a French face. Like mb, I interpret such spelling as a benign nod to supporting that policy. But I suppose it’s an easy attitude for me as a non-native to take. Perhaps an anglophone who was born and raised here, with parents and grandparents who were part of an established strong community, might see that accent as an annoying microaggression. As if one were being told, “Vous etês une honte. Nous ferions comme si vous n’existiez pas.”

      • Kate 23:45 on 2023-11-27 Permalink

        Robert H, just about.

        Daisy: exactly!!

    • Kate 08:58 on 2023-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

      A spokesman for the FAE says teachers are prepared to stay off work till Christmas if necessary. And presumably beyond, if no agreement is reached.

      It’s a lot quieter around my neighbourhood with the strike on. The high school students are not bad kids, but there are a lot of them, and in groups they can be noisy.

    • Kate 08:51 on 2023-11-27 Permalink | Reply  

      The budget for snow removal this winter has reached nearly $200 million as costs rise for everything.

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