Should English Montreal work at protecting French?

A writer who submitted a column about protecting French that ran in English in the Gazette in February has written a similar piece for La Presse. Mario Polèse makes the case that anglo Montrealers must pitch in to make French the common language here. “Les membres de la communauté anglo-montréalaise portent aujourd’hui une responsabilité particulière,” he says: the responsibility to speak French at all times outside the house.

Does this make sense? Not much in my life would change and I suspect the same would be true of many anglo Montrealers. A lot of the time when I’m out and about, if I talk to people, I’m speaking French. I don’t even think about it, for the most part. But, unlike Mario Polèse, I don’t insist on it. If someone in a public setting addresses me in English, especially if they seem to be a native speaker, why would I ask them to speak French? Would anyone reading this choose to do that?

Edited to add: My main beef with Polèse is the idea that it’s my duty to make myself more invisible as an anglo. Also the idea that if more of us did so, the government would be less motivated to legislate language. Would anticipatory obedience sate Quebec’s more extreme nationalistic urges? I doubt it.

Polèse also links the French language to Quebec’s more progressive tendencies, suggesting we’d lose those if we lost French. I have no idea whether that’s a tenable position. I need to think about this.