Federal buildings to become housing
Items will be coming about the impact of the federal budget on the city, the first being a plan to convert federal office buildings into housing.
The old NFB building is mentioned as being turned into 100 residential units. Isn’t that building on a highway, in the middle of a tangle of highways?
Ian 21:11 on 2024-04-16 Permalink
Yes, it’s a classic institutional building on cote de liesse facing the 40. There’s a lot of residential infill behind it though, so it’s not as bad as it sounds. Still terrible for transit, though.
Blork 22:31 on 2024-04-16 Permalink
Also a bunch of houses and apartment blocks on the south side (in TMR) that are actually closer to the highway. Personally you couldn’t pay me to live there (even the TMR side) but as Ian says it’s not as bad as it seems.
Heritage Montreal has a page about the building: https://memento.heritagemontreal.org/en/site/former-national-film-board-of-canada-complex/
Janet 08:01 on 2024-04-17 Permalink
I worked in that building for 15 years. Colleagues would take a health walk outdoors at lunchtime. With all the pollution from the traffic, I always figured it would be healthier to take my walk later downtown.
Ian 07:18 on 2024-04-18 Permalink
Good plan. Exhaust aside, the road dust around there is crazy.