Archaeologists are reporting on what they found at the Montreal parliament dig site on Youville Square. Two official seals are among the more unusual treasures.
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Coalition Montreal’s Jean Fortier has withdrawn from the mayoral race, in which he never had a moment’s hope, and is supporting Valérie Plante. TVA link plays video.
La Presse has a brief piece saying that the driver whose U-turn on Camillien-Houde caused the death of a cyclist will be facing charges. The young man’s family held a funeral on the weekend.
Update: Newer items say the news about charges was a mistake and that the investigation is ongoing. “Denis Coderre […] said he’s putting together a working group to analyze the road’s use and see if anything can be done to make Camillien-Houde Way safer.” Get motor traffic off it, Denis. It’s not difficult.
The driver is said to be an American tourist, but I wonder if he’s someone the authorities don’t want to offend. It’s difficult to see how his U-turn would not be considered dangerous driving causing death.
Most of the talk Tuesday will be about Airbus buying a majority stake in Bombardier’s CSeries plane, and moving a chunk of the production to the United States, even as the PLQ passes a face-covering law (see previous post). That Tuesday is the last day to register if you’re not on the voting list for November 5 is just a wee footnote.
The PLQ, in a transparent effort to cut short any PQ efforts toward cultural xenophobia, is passing a religious neutrality law Tuesday. It’s mostly about face coverings, including banning anyone in a face covering from using public transit. Even the PQ didn’t go there. Will this late move in the Crusades retain any voters for the PLQ next year?
The Globe has a detailed obit of architect Dan Hanganu.
The biogas plant by the city’s landfill site in St-Michel is being reopened. But the CBC is wrong on one point: methane is not inherently smelly.
Radio-Canada asks whether Denis Coderre has kept his promises from his first municipal campaign. Several experts give their views and criticisms. Compilation of his promises and results.
Metroscope has a sly point Monday after Coderre claimed on TLMEP that his people never gave out free Formula E tickets – something he’d admitted doing weeks ago.