Updates from October, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 23:54 on 2017-10-18 Permalink | Reply  

    CBC’s Neil Macdonald lights into the new religious neutrality law, pointing out the hypocrisy of Section 13: “The measures introduced in this Act must not be interpreted as affecting the emblematic and toponymic elements of Québec’s cultural heritage, in particular its religious cultural heritage, that testify to its history.”

    The BBC covers the story as does the New York Times, Sweden’s Dagens Nyheter, an Italian media outlet

    • Kate 11:15 on 2017-10-18 Permalink | Reply  

      STM bus drivers want to be given clear rules on how they’re meant to deny service to people with faces covered.

      I’m not even clear what this law is supposed to achieve. Are we saying nobody in our society has the right to dress as they choose? Are we worried that a hairy terrorist might be lurking under that burqa? Are we at all surprised that governments are concerned to force the uncovering of faces now that facial recognition software has become so accurate?

      • Kate 11:10 on 2017-10-18 Permalink | Reply  

        Previous seasons, the Canadiens have raised our hopes with a good start to the season, only to dash them later. This year, they’re cutting to the chase.

        • Kate 11:08 on 2017-10-18 Permalink | Reply  

          CBC did a report on why families flee to the suburbs: less traffic, more green space, bigger homes. Less traffic? For them, maybe. In town we live with the constant consequences of rush hour as suburbanites move to and fro every day.

          • Kate 11:06 on 2017-10-18 Permalink | Reply  

            The Coderre candidate in Snowdon may be ineligible to run because he’s only lived in town a few months. Candidates need to have lived in Montreal for a year to qualify.

            CBC reports on a West Island man whose house lies on the border between boroughs and who wants to vote twice.

            La Presse foresees more women in the new city council after November 5.

            Environmentalists have given the Coderre administration a D minus for environmental issues. Coderre has halved the budget of the committee that protects the city’s remaining natural green spaces, for example.

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