Human error led to a major power cut Tuesday in central-eastern Montreal. Odds are Blog HQ was out, going by Hydro-Quebec’s map, but I wasn’t home. Blue line was down for an hour too.
Updates from October, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
A Citylab journalist writes about French immigrants in Montreal but then at the end we read she’s a Torontonian, so grain of salt.
Paul Wells demolishes Bill 62.
The University Club is to vacate the Mansfield Street building it’s been in for more than a century.
Someone found a human body rotting away in the open air right downtown. Police have opened an investigation.
Tuesday morning, there’s been an arrest although this brief item also says the body hasn’t yet been identified.
Tuesday evening, cops know this was a 37-year-old woman but the circumstances of her death have not been made clear.
After a poor showing this season, Joey Saputo has sacked the Impact coaching team.
Julie Snyder has decided to bring a complaint against Gilbert Rozon for sexual misconduct.
Valérie Plante would permit bilingual emergency messages in the metro. This came out during Monday night’s English-language debate. More on this second and final debate in La Presse, CTV, Metro, the Journal, Le Devoir.
Coderre says he’s not promising to stay on as opposition leader if he’s defeated as mayor.