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  • Kate 11:18 on 2017-10-30 Permalink | Reply  

    A brief CBC piece examines the condo construction boom and its popularity among foreign investors.

    It’s mentioned in passing in a quote from a McGill prof: “Low interest rates, higher disposable income and municipal incentives have made home ownership more affordable and fuelled purchases… However, it has caused an upward pressure on rents.” Can someone explain to me why, if more people are buying these new condos because they can, rental stock gets more expensive? Why wouldn’t the voluntary removal of a class of potential tenants make rents either stabilize or even decline a little? If you’re adding many more living units to the market, converting more prosperous tenants into owners, why would rents go up?

    • Kate 11:14 on 2017-10-30 Permalink | Reply  

      A new ranking of transit systems says Montreal’s is fourth best in North America but I haven’t checked out the whole thing – typically, the Gazette names it but does not give a link – and am wondering why the bar graph names people, planet and profit.

      • Kate 11:06 on 2017-10-30 Permalink | Reply  

        Asked whether Formula E hurt or helped their businesses, 70% of merchants in the Centre-Sud said it hurt, as takings were down.

        • Kate 11:04 on 2017-10-30 Permalink | Reply  

          Denis Coderre has been spending big money on private speechwriters even though the city already has a department that’s meant to do this work. Coderre spends more than either Justin Trudeau or Philippe Couillard on speeches.

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