McCord Museum to enlarge in place
The McCord Museum is going to double in size in its current location, swelling to 10 floors and taking over tiny Victoria Street to do so.
The McCord Museum is going to double in size in its current location, swelling to 10 floors and taking over tiny Victoria Street to do so.
SteveQ 23:45 on 2019-04-30 Permalink
I think eliminating Victoria street is a very good idea, especially if they use part of that space for pedestrians.
Max 00:40 on 2019-05-01 Permalink
I guess by “empty lot on Président-Kennedy Avenue” they mean these buildings will be torn down?,-73.572887,3a,75y,299.96h,98.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKDjGPw_DLKe97-a17SCyTg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en
Kate 06:41 on 2019-05-01 Permalink
Max, I suppose so. That was a well-known French restaurant for years and years, but it closed awhile back – do you know what’s in the building now?
Max 07:14 on 2019-05-01 Permalink
They’re both vacant as far as I know.
I’m as glad as the next person to hear that the McCord is expanding “in situ”. But it irks me that we’re losing buildings of some architectural merit, while the media makes like they never existed in the first place. Hopefully somebody will at least save that rooster weathervane.
Alex 10:13 on 2019-05-01 Permalink
Maybe they could be incorporated into the new structure in some way?
Kate 13:09 on 2019-05-01 Permalink
Alex, those buildings always looked a bit fake to me, like a stage set. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’d bet there’s just a little brick box under the façade.
Ian 14:30 on 2019-05-01 Permalink
You never know, there were some genuine article mansions in that neighbourhood. Chances are if they were original though, they were ruined by commercial use over many decades. I suspect there’s a reason that fancy building the old restaurant was in has stood empty for so long, and it may not just be property speculation. At one time asbestos was actually required of certain categories of use, and it’s from the right vintage.
Meezly 10:04 on 2019-05-02 Permalink
That French restaurant was Le Caveau – had my wedding rehearsal dinner there back in the day! I was there recently and saw McCord Museam placards covering up the windows of that empty building, so McCord must be expanding into that. Maybe I’ve only noticed now that I have a kid, but McCord offers pretty interesting summer daycamps too, so their expansion would help benefit the surrounding community.