Montgomery charged with ethics violations
CDN-NDG mayor Sue Montgomery has been charged with multiple ethics violations by Quebec’s Municipal Commission. Some details are given here, but as has been true throughout this story, there’s a strong sense of an unrevealed drama that journalists either can’t or won’t report.
Also, as with many pre-pandemic story lines, there’s also a strong taste of “who the hell cares” about it.
MarcG 19:59 on 2020-03-31 Permalink
I miss posts like this
walkerp 20:46 on 2020-03-31 Permalink
Damn, they are really going after her hard. Please somebody suss out the back story here!
Jack 14:00 on 2020-04-01 Permalink
“…including harassment, lack of respect and failure to maintain a harassment-free work environment.”
This can mean something as simple as saying “…do your job…” to a unionized civil servant.
Can anyone find out if there has been more than these three cases? Sue Montgomery, Giuliana Fumagalli and Tamara Thermitus.
Something more is going on here.
Ian 08:23 on 2020-04-02 Permalink
It does seem to have an air of familiarity to it, and I find it interesting that it always seems to be women getting hung out to dry…
Even if Projet isn’t trying to allow “business as usual” to the extent of allowing corruption to flourish, this kind of behaviour certainly gives that impression. Since we can safely assume every administration before them was on the take, it would serve Projet well to be more careful about their optics, to say the least.
I have always said that I vote for Projet because they are the only party that isn’t obviously on the take, but I certainly don’t trust them unconditionally any more.
Mark Côté 16:21 on 2020-04-02 Permalink
“I have always said that I vote for Projet because they are the only party that isn’t obviously on the take, but I certainly don’t trust them unconditionally any more.”
Same, and even though I’ve long believed that our system doesn’t let real progressive change get too far, I’m still disappointed (yet again). So hard not to let the disillusionment overwhelm me.