Ubisoft hoax: Suspect named, but no charges yet
Police, as well as Ubisoft itself, are pretty sure they know who called in the large swatting incident at their offices in the Peck Building in November, as well as two subsequent less publicized attempts to lure police into fake crises at the same location. But the man in question is French and is not going to be extradited to face charges here.
walkerp 09:18 on 2021-04-30 Permalink
This is great that they found him! This asshole should do time, but how the hell can Ubisoft say they lost 1.7 million dollars in productivity. What a joke.
A 09:22 on 2021-04-30 Permalink
Ubisoft have 26 studios, I don’t think that any of them did any work that day
david104 10:33 on 2021-04-30 Permalink
Yet another incident involving the French.
Kate 10:45 on 2021-04-30 Permalink
david104 22:33 on 2021-05-02 Permalink