Here is an official petition to make Chinatown a heritage area.
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The SPVM has put up a video explaining domestic violence and how to report it to police in 17 languages, five of them indigenous.
Wonder how they suggest you report it if your partner is a cop. (I’m assuming that the rate of domestic violence among the police in Quebec is similar to cops elsewhere.)
The religious buildings and garden on Pine Avenue east of Park, attached to Hôtel-Dieu, were bought by the city in 2017 and should be opened to the public starting this summer. Video report from Radio-Canada.
The city is also looking for suggestions how parts of the building could be used for approved projects of value.
One of the spokeswomen mentions finding a balance between opening the garden to the public, and protecting its delicate ecosystem. I hope they can make that happen. It’s a wonderful place – I visited as part of a museum visit a couple of summers ago. I’d hate to see it trashed by casual picnickers.
This is very cool! I have always been curious to see inside there. It does sound like it will not be opened as a free-for-all. Maybe it is more of a walk-through, botanical gardens type access rather than just an open park.
walkerp, what’s striking is that you’re in this quiet, quiet garden, and you know you’re just yards from Park Avenue, but you can’t hear the traffic because the stone walls are so thick.
François Croteau, borough mayor of Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie since 2009, has announced he won’t be running again this fall. The Radio-Canada item hints at difficulties between him and Plante but without any stories.
The ferry linking the Old Port with Pointe-aux-Trembles may be back in service this summer, after a cancelled season last year.
Ste-Brigide-de-Kildare church in Ville-Marie is to be turned into a youth theatre centre called Le Cube, although few buildings are less cubical. The building dates from 1878.
Patrick Lagacé hits the bullseye with his piece on the real vs. the imaginary city. Does Montreal need to stage big events to make it shine internationally? (He doesn’t name names, but that’s the Denis Coderre approach.) Or does it need to look after quality of life as experienced every day by its residents? Lagacé is not shy about preferring the latter course.
I think it says something that the YouTube videos ive seen on Montreal rarely focus on the big event stuff that some think makes us world class and more on stuff like the REV and triplexes with curving metal stairs.
Nice read, and I like his take on the “imaginary city.” Back in the 90s people couldn’t stop calling Toronto “a world-class city!” and I always used to chuckle at that and be grateful for living in a Montreal-class city.
My only regret about the article is his slagging of electric bikes. 🙂
What he describes is exactly why my wife and I chose to move back to Montreal.
A three-alarm fire in an apartment building in Côte-des-Neiges has unhoused 30 people (QMI says 35 families). Items suggest it was caused by a kitchen fire.
The SPVM has said many times before that it wants to hire a more diverse workforce, and I’m wondering if it’s being said again now because the story about Alain Babineau is percolating in the media.
You can’t hire a more diverse workforce when you have an unwelcoming atmosphere. You need to turn it around first, then ask people to join. You don’t ask people to join a sinking ship… you show them a welcoming and inclusive one that they want to work on.
Seriously, this just reeks of the SPVM utterly incapable of making any internal changes and thus throwing out a fake lifeline to communities of colour to come and fix their problems. What young person from a racialized community would ever want to be a cop growing up when the police are the ones who they get harrassed by?
Ephraim, you seem to be describing *capitalism in general* which isn’t specific to our local police force at all.
In February, a woman was found dead on the floor in a room in the Lakeshore Hospital emergency room, a room that workers had already indicated was difficult to monitor in a busy ER. CBC has inquired and found out that nothing has changed, although promises are being made to improve the situation.
Yes, the Journal has that story also and I was going to post it soon.
There’s a question whether the Lakeshore story has a racism aspect, since the woman was Filipina, but – going simply by how the story’s unfolding in the media – it seems it’s more about a structural problem in the hospital. Impossible to be sure how unexamined racism could have inflected her treatment, though, and it shouldn’t be ignored.
This story about the young man, who was Black, has to be seen that way: according to the Journal version, triage seems to have assumed he was drunk, while in fact he was dying of peritonitis. Grim story.
Three new high schools, constructed according to exacting environmental standards, will be built on the island of Montreal, two in the east end and one in Ste‑Geneviève. They will even have generous windows, something that hasn’t always been considered necessary.
walkerp 10:34 on 2021-05-12 Permalink
PatrickC 14:42 on 2021-05-12 Permalink
What would this mean, concretely? And are there agreed geographical boundaries?
Kate 14:47 on 2021-05-12 Permalink
The area is pretty tightly fenced in. This should do.
Meezly 18:52 on 2021-05-12 Permalink
It’s nice to see the number of signatures has almost doubled since almost 24 hrs ago, but there could be more.
A friend told me there used to be a very small Chinatown in Québec city, but it got wiped out in the 60s-70s. Robert Lepage did a play set in that area of the city, La Trilogie des dragons.