In the first period of the first playoff match between the Canadiens and the Leafs in years, Leafs captain John Tavares took a knee to the face and had to be stretchered off the ice and taken to hospital.
Update: Canadiens took this one, 2-1.
In the first period of the first playoff match between the Canadiens and the Leafs in years, Leafs captain John Tavares took a knee to the face and had to be stretchered off the ice and taken to hospital.
Update: Canadiens took this one, 2-1.
Valérie Plante promised an ambitious $1.8 billion over ten years on Thursday for city parks. Some of the projects have been floated before, like cleaning up more riverside areas and making them accessible. Plante is also promising some quick action on putting toilets in popular parks.
If she gets good toilets in public parks, that will be great and probably good for her election chances. I have seen a lot of people peeing in awkward corners these last weeks.
@walkerp I think it’s the opposite – the fact that there are currently not enough toilets in city parks (where else are young people supposed to go?) will be a thorn in her side if it’s not fixed very soon. Little upside here – even solving the problem tomorrow would be too late.
Are young people actually voting in municipal elections?
GC, having scrutineered at all 3 levels of government, I’d have to say my impression is no, they don’t. A lot of younger folks came out for the last federal election, by comparison.
But this is just my personal observation from my corner of town, and I can’t back it up with any official statistics.
But people who live near parks and are sick and tired of people pissing in their ruelles vote.
Let’s count our blessings. At least we don’t live in Ontario where the park bathrooms are all closed!
Some time ago a reader asked me to take note of items on ice cream shops, so I’ve been doing that ever since. Here’s Eater’s survey of new ice cream shops around town.
Update: A regular reader, who shall remain nameless, called my attention to another new sweet snack counter, this one in Old Montreal. The photo may make this link count as NSFW.
Sigh, Le Lab on Rachel is gone. I’m so out of it that it’s actually been gone since 2018. I had to read about an ice cream shop taking its place to find that out. I’m glad I got to go there once though. It’s a little too far for it to be a watering hole for me, but I remember the cocktails were splendid.
I don’t recall seeing reports of this homicide at the time. In June 2018 a couple went to Cinéma L’Amour, where couples sometimes “perform live” for observers. One observer allegedly was too keen to take a turn, and the man struck him. Thirteen days later, the onlooker died in hospital, and the man from the couple is on trial for manslaughter.
More true crime – an account of another murder trial in the Gazette, this one a domestic homicide that took place in 2019.
A new report says that Inuit kids, flown to Montreal for social services they can’t get up north, are not allowed to speak Inuktitut and are not even given basic education. It seems the residential school system lives on under another name.
Update: Nakuset says we don’t need more reports on this, we need action, but she has little hope things will change.
Taylor C. Noakes, now writing for CultMTL, explains why he thinks we need those building height restrictions that Denis Coderre wants to toss out.
Noakes writes “residential towers in our city are essentially, without exception, luxury condominiums,” which is demonstrably false, with many new buildings being rentals. Can’t comment on Cult’s site, so here it is.
Well… An apartment (in a new condo complex) for rent at $5,550/month doesn’t exactly scream “affordable”:
@Philm – they’re being sold as condos and then rented out right?
Pierre Curzi writes in Le Devoir under the melodramatic headline Morituri te salutant about the much stronger language measures he thinks the PQ should have brought in, back in his day, to protect French.
André Pratte, who used to be the editor of La Presse, writes in the Journal about the constitutional crisis being forced on Canada by the CAQ’s Bill 96. Pratte feels it’s mistaken to claim that, if a province changes the constitution unilaterally, this would not concern the rest of the country.
I read the article only to see if there was an explanation of why the headline was in a non-French language. Nope.
I don’t think there has to be. It’s a famous Latin phrase, and using it implies a sort of portentousness.
The transport ministry has just done an emergency closure of the Île aux Tourtes bridge saying it’s for the safety of road users.
Update: CBC gives details of how traffic’s being rerouted now.
CTV describes the bridge as “Major Trans-Canada bridge linking Montreal to Ontario”. Well, they’re not wrong…
its not closed chief.. theyre discussing how to mitigate traffic..
“Les ingénieurs ont pris la décision de fermer le pont” – François Bonnardel
CBC radio does say there are engineers present and haven’t closed it, although “mitigation measures” will be applied.
I mean, either people can use the bridge, or they can’t.
This is devastating for Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. All of the traffic bound for that bridge is diverted down Anciens Combattants and it disperses into the little village, with drivers clogging every street trying to find shortcuts onto the 20.
When this has happened in the past, often residents cannot leave the town (or even their driveway) for several hours as every tiny little street is at a standstill. The 212 bus also comes to halt. All of the students and staff at John Abbott and McGill end up stuck.
And most dangerously, the tiny SteAnne streets with that level of across-the-map congestion end up almost entirely cut off from emergency/fire services. Fire trucks can’t navigate through it.
A few years ago they tried banning left turns onto 20 West from northbound St Pierre in an effort to relieve the congestion. No idea if it worked or if they kept that in place.
If you look at the live Google traffic map, it’s a mess.
No kidding on the map, PO.
The “no lefts” rule is still in effect, PO, from 4-6 PM weekdays. Sainte-Anne’s traffic would be a complete clusterfuck without it.
The westbound 20 was backed up to at least St. Charles about an hour ago. It used to be the westbound 20 would back up to Morgan Road every weekday afternoon. Even before the closure of the l’Île-aux-Tourtes, people have been using Lakeshore Road from Woodland or so to shave a few minutes off their afternoon commute. Even more so now.
Lakeshore used to be such a nice stretch of road for bicycling. Not so much anymore. It’s a never-ending stream of westbound traffic, even at 7 PM.
Free train! Woo-hoo!
It’s very late (or early) now, but Google pretends the 40 is open. So it probably is.
mare, I don’t think so, if news items are any indication. Quebec 511 info has a little “pont barré” sign on the bridge.
Now it does, but last night Google thought this was the fastest route to Vaudreuil. (I went there to see the backed-up St-Anne roads, but forgot that it’s unlikely there are traffic jams after curfew…)
The city has to get through two weeks of better Covid numbers before it can become an orange zone – and those weeks include the long Victoria Day weekend.
Hopefully things go well. There was no uptick after the May long weekend last year, probably because it’s not typically a holiday where people gather indoors. And of course we still have the curfew.
The most disturbing part about this story, in which a West Island man freaks out, breaks all his windows and throws things out, including pitching his dog from the second-floor window, is the almost casual mention that a vet will patch up the animal’s injuries and it will be returned to the family.
It says he was struggling with mental health. We have to assume that he had a bipolar episode. Back on his meds.
He has my sympathy. I, too, would probably be throwing my dog out the window after a few months of living in DDO.
You guys are more forgiving than I’d be. I don’t care how much a person’s struggling – if they deliberately hurt an animal, they shouldn’t get it back.
That’s the part Kate, if it’s a psychotic break, there was nothing deliberate.
To be precise, the *family* is getting the dog back. The person who threw it out the window (presumably the father of the family) is in hospital and is facing charges. While I agree that a *person* who does this to their pet shouldn’t get it back, it’s a bit different if it’s a family. I know I’d be pretty pissed at the authorities if I was a kid and my dad tossed my dog out the window, and then the authorities said “sorry kid, you can’t have your dog back because your dad is a dick.”
True enough, Blork.
Balarama Holness has announced his candidacy for mayor, joining five others listed in the piece.
His platform is really vague but he has the best name.