Municipal parties are pressed harder than ever to investigate potential candidates for actions or statements on record that could prove embarrassing.
Updates from May, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Teenagers have been so keen for Covid vaccinations that more vaccine has been ordered to meet the demand.
I arrived at Bill Durnan before 8 with my 15 year old to find probably 1000 people in line, mostly teens, we didn’t stop.
An emeritus professor of economics writes in La Presse about Montreal’s status as a city of trilinguals. So many of us know not only English and French but also a third language, or more, but Marcel Boyer says the city doesn’t make enough of a virtue of the language skills of its citizens.
What an inspiring and progressive vision! These parts struck me in particular:
Comme dans bien d’autres domaines, le protectionnisme agressif est une source de déclin à moyen et à long terme.
L’attitude des francophones face à l’apprentissage de l’anglais, en particulier en région, semble provenir d’une perception qui confond l’anglais, langue du conquérant, et l’anglais, principale langue universelle aujourd’hui.
A black bear was spotted in Dorval on Sunday and the authorities are trying to round it up. Global has a very brief video clip with a nervous voice-over, a clip a fraction the length of the 30-second ad that precedes it – but it’s clearly a bear “just chilling out there.”
Update: The bear was tranquilized (it took a couple of darts) and captured by animal control. Article doesn’t say, but let’s presume it will be brought to a nice cottage in the woods with some bowls of porridge. How it got onto the island is still a mystery – maybe somebody said the bear’s true name?
CTV reports deadpan that no picnic baskets were stolen.
A lot of people were spotted Saturday at Cap St-Jacques beach, having fun and totally ignoring the sanitary laws still in effect. TVA’s “autre plage bondée” refers to last week’s similar situation at Oka beach.
John B
“Plage Fermée | Baignade Interdite” – why? It’s unrelated to the pandemic, but this attitude, where the government makes a beach, then says we can’t use it, while it is allowed to go swimming anywhere else along the river, really bothers me.
It’s a hot day, and there’s a beach. Why can’t we use it?
I fucking hate that lots of people are having fun in the outdoors. I’m happy that news outlets are reporting these merrymakers so that they may be shamed and ostracized for their malfeasance and never be able to love it down.
It was a mistake to delay the enactment from the announcement, in that people are acting like it’s already true. But at least we now know what it will look like.
It will be interesting to see the mitigating effects of partial vaccination on the 4th wave.
John B, I presume it’s liability. The borough doesn’t want to fund a lifeguard, so they put up the sign so if anyone drowns, their ass is covered.
(Or would it be the city itself, given that this is one of its major parks? Either way.)
Karen, whoever you are, you’re flailing trying to make a point.
We had moral panic about outdoor activities last year, too, and yet the second wave started in September, not July.
Is the law they’ve broken using a beach that’s closed or is there a covid-specific regulation? I don’t see anything on the Quebec government site about outdoor gatherings in public places.
TVA makes it sound like there was a gathering of 300 people at the beach when that’s the total of number of people that were there. I see some rather large groups of people having BBQs and picnics, but nothing more than what’s been happening in every park. As Zeynep Tufekci has been pointing out for a year, scolding people for gathering outdoors is “anti-science, anti-safety.”
This is the nth awful terrible horrible gathering of young people outdoors without adequate distancing, with the same hand-wringing from the usual suspects. Has a single outbreak been linked to such a gathering? If not, can we please give it a rest?
Being outdoors is the best place to be. Half the county is vaccinated. The young are not at much risk. It’s been a long winter. I just can’t agree anymore with the people who still want things locked down tighter than a duck’s ass. There does seem to be a certain vocal segment of the population that loves scolding others though. It’s become security theatre, like toothpaste on an airplane. The places that are still washing doorknobs every 5 minutes also drive me nuts at this point.
Mark Côté
MarcG, it’s a ways down that page under the header “Sports and recreation” (recreation apparently including hanging out with people in public places).
Thanks, that isn’t obvious enough.
A young man was stabbed Saturday night near McGill metro. That’s all they wrote.