Michel Brûlé, the publisher and sometime politician, who was facing sentencing for sexual assault here, has died in Brazil in a bike accident.
Updates from May, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Canadiens are up 2-0 at the end of the second. I can feel a disturbance in the force as the SPVM hands out the riot gear.
…And there we are. It’s not a typical hockey season but I could hear various neighbours whooping.
Toronto, the only city where the leafs fall in the Autumn and the Spring
Bergevin just won himself another 2 years.
For context: https://archive.is/ya65R
The Habs winning is always nice, but taking out the Leafs like they did, just beautiful. If only it had been a shutout, so achingly close to adding that additional indignity.
Yes, it’s too bad the shutout was spoiled at the end.
Time to board up the downtown SAQs methinks. Pathetically.
Max, I don’t think there was any mayhem.
Nakuset has asked people to come to the Cartier monument Monday night at 7 to join in a drumming circle to commemorate those 215 lost children. But I’m afraid she’s got competition this evening against the hockey game.
The city is preparing a plan to save Chinatown.
Philippe Teisceira-Lessard tells us about the history of the Île aux Tourtes but not much about the passenger pigeon, and nothing about the pies.
Sadly, that one is probably a false etymology, it’s cognate to tart.
Who are you calling cognate to tart?!
If the pastry crust fits.
Stop, stop! These puns are tourtiere.
What do you get when unilingual francophones and anglophones bump into each other on the metro? Passenger pidgin.
City hall flags will be at half mast to mourn the 215 indigenous children whose remains were found near a residential school in Kamloops.
Lest anyone thinks this is a BC or Canadian problem, Quebec had about a dozen residential schools with about 6000 known survivors.
The thing that’s stuck with me that I saw recently was a brief quote from one of the survivors to the effect of “Did your school have a graveyard? Ours did.”
The more I read about John A McDonald, the more I think people are right about taking down his statue.
“When the school is on the reserve, the child lives with its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by savages, and though he may learn to read and write his habits, and training and mode of thought are Indian. He is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been strongly pressed on myself, as the head of the Department, that Indian children should be withdrawn as much as possible from the parental influence, and the only way to do that would be to put them in central training industrial schools where they will acquire the habits and modes of thought of white men.”
— John A McDonald
QMI is making a theme of texting and driving lately, their most recent catch being a reader’s submission of a photo of Denis Coderre doing just that.
I guess we have to hope that the photographer is on a bus or walking along? And not, you know, using their device while driving to take a photo of someone using a device while driving… (Alas the reflection in the photo does not suggest a bus passenger.)
Daniel D
So, you’re saying it’s OK for our potential future mayor to be doing this because everyone else is just as bad?
A man was shot early Monday in Old Montreal when shots were exchanged between two groups of people. There have been arrests.
People living or running businesses in Old Montreal aren’t too thrilled by the gatherings seen there on the weekend. Fireworks, garbage and several acts of violence accompanied the outbreak of post-curfew partying.
Tommy 22:06 on 2021-05-31 Permalink
The local paper in Brazil reports that he was not wearing a helmet.
dhomas 18:00 on 2021-06-01 Permalink
I actually read the Brazilian news articles about his death. None mentioned if he was wearing a helmet. Was that comment tongue in cheek, because local news outlets like to make mention of these things?