Updates from June, 2021 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Kate 20:26 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

    City hall is promising 20 km of new bike paths and the upgrading of some existing paths as well.

    It’s also promising REV traffic lights with sound signals for the blind.

    • Kate 20:18 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

      The cost of the REM – the part actually under construction – has risen to at least $7 billion and keep your eye on that “at least” because I’m betting it will be closer to $10B by the time it opens.

      TVA makes an attempt at consolation with the observation that, while the invoice has grown, the deadline will still be met. And of course Covid is blamed for the increases in costs.

      • Ant6n 23:57 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

        Which deadline? Certainly not the one of the original 2016 announcement.

    • Kate 20:15 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

      Here are some weekend traffic notes.

      • Kate 16:14 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

        With federal help, the city plans to construct 123 units of student housing in the Technopôle Angus area. Someone managed to get a photo of Valérie Plante looking like she has mouse ears in the photo on the same story in La Presse.

        • David736 12:55 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          What the hell is the point of putting a bunch of students way out at the Angus Yards? Is the land free or something?

        • EmilyG 16:53 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          Yeah. I remember one time, going for a walk in the Rosemont area and I ended up at the Angus yards because I’d accidentally gone so far away from where I’d planned to go. It’s so remote. It’s certainly not near major post-secondary schools that I know of.
          And in an area out where they’re constructing housing, you can look across the flat lands and see the mountain, and other city landmarks, in the distance. Quite striking.

        • Kate 21:11 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          David, the land has to be a damn sight cheaper than a lot near any of the universities or engineering schools.

        • dhomas 07:12 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

          It’s not too far from Collège de Maisonneuve. Maybe about a 15 minute walk.

      • Kate 13:08 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

        Annalisa Harris, the protégée of Sue Montgomery in the borough hall of Côte-des-Neiges–NDG whose office squabbles with the borough’s civil employees blew up into the ejection of Montgomery from the Projet caucus, is suing Valérie Plante for $186,000 over “unfounded” accusations and an attempt to fire her. Harris is also running in the November election in the Loyola district of CDN-NDG.

        • CharlesQ 14:18 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          Hopefully that won’t help Coderre get re-elected. I can’t handle going backward for another 4 years.

        • Kate 14:58 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          I’m concerned that Montgomery’s new “Courage” party will split the anti-Ensemble vote in CDN-NDG. Projet better get a firecracker in there as mayoral candidate.

        • YUL514 16:36 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          Courage and PM will split the vote and I’m very happy about this. Residents on NDG Facebook group pages are very divided among where their allegiance lies amongst these two parties. It’s advantage Perez in this situation.

        • Kevin 18:53 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          Are those the same pages that ban people who disagree with the mods (Barbara?)

        • dwgs 19:06 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          Kevin, I am nodding knowingly. I took myself out of a couple of those groups, way too cray cray for me.

        • YUL514 07:16 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          Yes, Kevin that would be one of the groups. She is pro Sue and yes she bans people who disagree with her.

        • Kevin 09:54 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          What? Barbara violating her own rules about discussing politics? Knock me over with a feather.

      • Kate 09:53 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

        The city is about to embark on changes for two major heritage sites – the Hôpital de la Miséricorde on René-Levesque, and the old deaf mute institute on St-Denis.

        The hospital site will have, inevitably, a condo tower added to it, but will also include social and student housing and a homeless shelter, if this plan moves ahead. The deaf mute site will have offices for Plateau borough and residence housing for students at the nearby ITHQ.

        • qatzelok 11:58 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          The Children’s Hospital disaster is an example of what can happen when your city “eadership is entirely corporate-driven. (this kind of casual whoring that is called ‘client-driven” in the the service industry)

        • DeWolf 12:52 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          From the article:

          « Ce qui m’a beaucoup choquée, c’est comment ça s’est passé avec le Children’s », a-t-elle dit, faisant référence à des promoteurs qui avaient obtenu le feu vert de la Ville pour le redéveloppement du site de l’ancien Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants en s’engageant à y construire du logement social, avant de renoncer à cet engagement. Une école avait aussi été évoquée : elle n’a jamais vu le jour. Dans ce dossier, « les besoins de la population, les besoins de l’arrondissement, les besoins de la Ville n’ont pas été pris en considération », a déploré la mairesse.

        • Vazken 15:28 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          How many times have I heard “but will also include social and student housing and a homeless shelter,” which mysteriously disappear when the thing is actually built?

        • DeWolf 16:02 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

          Vazken, that’s exactly what the mayor was talking about. I think they’re motivated not to repeat the mistake of the previous administration which relied on handshake deals and weak contractual obligations.

        • David736 12:57 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          The crime with the children”s was that they didn’t repurpose the gloomy old main building, not that the city couldn’t come through with the cash.

        • Kate 13:54 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          David, I disagree. I don’t think that building had enough architectural interest to make preservation worthwhile. Turning that place into an attractive condo tower, or even office building, would have cost more than tearing it down and starting from scratch.

        • david749 19:37 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

          I would have done it right.

      • Kate 09:43 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

        A rough hit on the Canadiens’ Jake Evans is getting more attention Thursday than the simple fact of the team’s win in its first playoff match against the Jets. Item includes a video of the incident, which happens a moment after Evans’ goal on the Jets’ empty net.

        Update: Jake Evans is out indefinitely with concussion. Word on the street is that Jets forward Mark Schiefele will need to watch his back.

        Second update: The NHL has suspended Schiefele for four games.

        • MarcG 15:33 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          Looks like the last link is wrong

        • Kate 15:35 on 2021-06-04 Permalink

          Thanks. Fixed!

      • Kate 09:30 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

        The city left so much of Griffintown in the hands of developers that it’s only now planning the construction of a much-needed school.

      • Kate 09:25 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

        The city’s engineering union is on strike, feeling their expertise doesn’t get the support or respect it deserves, and too many contracts are still being given to external firms, even after the report of the Charbonneau commission recommended otherwise.

        • Kate 09:11 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

          TVA says several projections for the downtown REM didn’t make it an elevated track, but this is written as if it’s too late for CDPQ Infra to change its plans to bisect René-Lévesque with a concrete barrier.

          It isn’t. Not a single thing has been done yet to build that thing, and it’s not too late for them to make other plans.

          • Kevin 09:21 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

            Here’s the page for what the Caisse is calling “consultations” https://myrem.ca/engage/brainstormers/your-ideas

          • Jonathan 10:55 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

            A 7km/h difference between the light rail and the train-tram is really not that much of a time difference. Anybody want to do the math on that one?

          • Jonathan 11:04 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

            Also just to rant on that rem consultation site, there seems to be no connection between the English and French versions of the site. My username for the franco version cannot be used to log into the anglo version. I would have to set up a whole new username and password. What era are they in?

          • Ant6n 14:47 on 2021-06-03 Permalink

            When cdpq does „consultations“ it’s not Abu the input, but more about appearances and wearing down the opposition

        • Kate 08:50 on 2021-06-03 Permalink | Reply  

          A young woman has been accused of passing herself off as a doctor at at least one hospital, as well as getting internships at a couple of clinics. She faces psychological evaluation and possible fines.

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