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  • Kate 19:44 on 2021-06-05 Permalink | Reply  

    Vélo-Québec finds the city’s latest plans for creation and improvement of bike paths timid and unsatisfactory, 20 km not being nearly enough according to VQ czar Jean-François Rheault. Surely he has to know that one of the biggest beefs against the Plante administration is that it cares too much about cyclists, and has to balance its decisions against this public perception?

    Nice story in the Journal about a woman who militated to improve her part of Gouin Boulevard with its comic bike path full of power poles. Good before-and-after views of the road demonstrate the improvement.

    • Joey 00:36 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

      Alternatively, Rheault may be worried that the window to implement progress is closing fast, and that Projet Mtl better do lots more before November…

    • Kate 13:42 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

      Admittedly that’s a possibility.

  • Kate 19:34 on 2021-06-05 Permalink | Reply  

    The Montreal fire service rescued two boaters in the Back River on Saturday afternoon when their boat got stuck in the shoals in the rapids near Île Bizard.

    • Kate 19:31 on 2021-06-05 Permalink | Reply  

      Thousands were in the streets Saturday afternoon to protest pandemic measures, the crowd marching up the Main from René-Lévesque to Jarry Park.

      • GC 22:51 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

        ” they only want the freedom to choose which rules they follow.” Aren’t those then, by definition, not rules?

      • JS 02:03 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

        I’d like to know how many of the protesters are people really affected by the pandemic, like restaurant & bar owners/workers vs conspiracy-minded kooks overflowing from the sewers of the internet.

      • GC 09:16 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

        A mix of the two, I would guess. Those two groups aren’t mutually exclusive, either.

      • Ephraim 14:51 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

        I’d like to know how many of those people are willing to sign waivers on their healthcare accepting that they will be billed if they test positive for COVID while being treated.

        Freedom to choose for yourself, doesn’t mean freedom to make me pay for it.

      • Mark Côté 15:49 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

        @GC my thoughts exactly when I read that quote. The twisted self-referencing logic of a conspiracy theorist.

    • Kate 12:16 on 2021-06-05 Permalink | Reply  

      A man was stabbed in an NDG park on Thursday evening. Not seeing any stabby action Friday, which has to be a good thing.

      • Kate 12:12 on 2021-06-05 Permalink | Reply  

        A few bars are closing permanently just as the reopening looms.

        • Kate 09:34 on 2021-06-05 Permalink | Reply  

          Friday evening I saw tweets complaining about a helicopter buzzing Mile End and Mount Royal park, and now the explanation: the SPVM borrowed it from the SQ to keep an eye on things and present a police presence to the populace.

          • Uatu 10:13 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

            Well at least you know it’s there. I’m just dreading the next couple of years when we’re all going to be watched by near silent drones (if we aren’t already)

          • steph 10:19 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

            We’re already doing it, and we’re doing to ourselves. check out on youtube the short film “We know what you did during lockdown” by James Graham. I judge we’re only one step behind present UK style surveilance.

          • walkerp 12:57 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

            Pigs want to party too.

            As someone else pointed out, maybe put that $1800 an hour to install decent washrooms and recycling bins in the park.

          • Chris 14:17 on 2021-06-05 Permalink

            Silly populace, hanging out outdoors where it’s safer than indoors wrt covid.

          • JS 02:14 on 2021-06-06 Permalink

            I went for a night bike ride on the mountain last night between 10:30 and 11:30. There was a big party with amplified music in the back of the field at the summit behind the chalet, lots of people dancing in the dark, with a string of light bulbs above what might have been a stage. The helicopter was around but so what.

            A little later, after I left the mountain I biked through through the Plateau to find the helicopter. It was just hovering near Villeneuve & De Bullion facing west, with a few lights pointed downward. It seemed kind of useless tbh.

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