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  • Kate 16:10 on 2021-06-25 Permalink | Reply  

    Quebec has experienced its driest spring in 60 years, resulting in low river and lake levels.

    Have to appreciate the genius of “Officials say the dryness is due to lower than normal precipitation levels.” You think maybe?

    • Blork 23:33 on 2021-06-25 Permalink

      The dryness, yes, but the river and lake levels are more tied to snowfall and spring melting in Ontario and beyond (Great Lakes) than to local precipitation.

      I was cycling along the Chamby canal last weekend (Richelieu River/Lake Champlain waterway) and at least by eye, the water didn’t seem low at all, at least as compared with the St. Larry.

    • Phil 00:39 on 2021-06-26 Permalink

      You’re right about snowfall, which is essential for keeping the reservoirs full at the source of the Ottawa river and the Great Lakes, but record low precipitation has led some private wells to go dry. The Ottawa River at Ste Anne de Bellevue is noticeably very low

  • Kate 16:04 on 2021-06-25 Permalink | Reply  

    For the first time, games in the Stanley Cup final series will be played in July, with home matches on July 2 and July 5, and a possible match on July 9. The other matches will be played away, the result of the Islanders/Lightning semifinal series not yet settled.

    Urbania considers how the Canadiens have always attracted ethnocultural issues.

    • Kate 09:23 on 2021-06-25 Permalink | Reply  

      The Gazette’s Allison Hanes tells us why the Royalmount project is a bad idea. I’m not clear why she writes in one paragraph that the project will include more condos, while later in the item she states that Carbonleo “slashed the number of condos slated to be built from 6,000 to 4,500 to 3,250.”

      • Ephraim 13:13 on 2021-06-25 Permalink

        We need more apartments and condos in the city and more green space. If we have to give up things, we should give them up. But I can’t imagine that draw to living there, especially with TMR property taxes, in a noisy corner of the world. The population of the city is growing, if we don’t want people taking over the green belt and we want businesses in the city to survive, we need more density. Are these the right place? NO! Is this the right project? NO! But requiring more condos, not less is good for the city’s growing population. I’m sure someone wants to live there. No me, but someone.

      • Ant6n 21:06 on 2021-06-25 Permalink

        Maybe we should densify tmr. They will soon have a metro with a 5 minute ride to downtown every 3 min

      • Kate 09:43 on 2021-06-26 Permalink

        Easier said than done, Ant6n. That whole town was laid out for single-family housing except for a few apartment buildings in the “commercial” core in the centre of the spiderweb. Even if people were willing to sell their houses, zoning would probably make it difficult to tear them down and replace them with condo blocks. People are very resistant to changes affecting the value of their houses.

      • MarcG 21:24 on 2021-06-26 Permalink

        Some of the larger homes could be turned into rooming houses – they’re big enough.

    • Kate 07:37 on 2021-06-25 Permalink | Reply  

      The tower of the Olympic stadium is to close at least till 2023 for a major refit.

      • Faiz 11:39 on 2021-06-25 Permalink

        Aww. I didn’t know it hadn’t opened with he rest of the facilities. Pity, pplanned tto ttake some guests in the near future.

        Looking forward to the end product. I have not gone since I was a kid, but I recall hearing it’s very dated inside.

      • Kate 12:07 on 2021-06-25 Permalink

        I took a visitor up there once. It has a major flaw that can’t be helped: you mostly get a view of the east end of town – lots of house roofs in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve…

      • dhomas 06:22 on 2021-06-26 Permalink

        The article mentions that the renovations will give access to the rooftop with some kind of rooftop observatory. That would help with giving a 360 degree view of the city, at least once you get to the top.

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