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  • Kate 21:44 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

    Mayor Plante said this week that Sue Montgomery should do her job and look after the residents of her borough rather than focusing on the claims made against her, now that the Municipal Commission has made its ruling.

    Who made it difficult for Montgomery to do her job, though?

    • Mary 21:59 on 2021-06-30 Permalink

      Honest to good. This shitshow is not making the mayor or her party look good.

    • David659 23:33 on 2021-06-30 Permalink

      Plante sees the danger in the lawsuit more clearly than any columnist reporting on city matters, at least as far as I’ve seen. Ideal scenario for city chroniclers is a Montgomery re-election, and then Coderre returning to power and ordering his staff to comply with all discovery requests as maximally as possible. Montgomery’s revenge tour could give us the best insight into the operation of the modern City of Montreal that we’ve ever had or ever will have. (All those corrupt guys were.actually real outliers, whereas what Montgomery hates is the core functioning of the bureaucracy.)

    • Kate 00:24 on 2021-07-01 Permalink

      I can’t think why the next administration – whoever it is – will want to dig into that mess. Nobody committed any serious crime, it’s just an office drama that made it to the front pages because the people involved are running part of the city.

      Too big a part. I have no idea how it could be done, but that borough needs to be broken into two, and its bureaucracy also split up somehow. That might be the only way of letting some light into what sounds like a very unhealthy culture in that place. But it isn’t going to happen.

    • David659 00:39 on 2021-07-01 Permalink

      To clean house. Coderre is much more confident in his ability to target, toss, and replace bureaucrats, whereas PM was captured by them. And PM is not the mayor, it’s a real party, I’m even still a member. He could really harm them by allowing Montgomery access to emails, diktats, etc. Maybe in the end it’s targeted by Coderre at certain folks he wants out, but no question that the best result for us outsiders is if he gives carte blanche to Montgomery to go nuts.

    • John B 11:16 on 2021-07-01 Permalink

      > it’s just an office drama that made it to the front pages because the people involved are running part of the city.

      But it’s an office drama that appears to show that bureaucrats can ignore their elected bosses and get them removed from power by alleging “abuse.” Bosses, (even elected ones), shouldn’t be able to abuse their employees, but if an elected official is going to be treated the way Sue Montgomery has the information behind it shouldn’t be kept from the voting public.

  • Kate 19:57 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

    The city’s planning to abolish late fines in its library system. It had already suspended fines during the pandemic and now plans to make this a permanent policy, but it won’t be till October that all the boroughs adapt to the new rule.

    Note that the Grande bibliothèque isn’t part of the city network, so it still collects some fines.

    • Joey 22:10 on 2021-06-30 Permalink

      You still can’t access your BANQ account online… think they are suspending fees until their system is back up.

    • David659 23:35 on 2021-06-30 Permalink

      There should be real data out on whether this is dumb or not – SF did it a couple years ago.

    • Kate 09:15 on 2021-07-01 Permalink

      Radio-Canada notes that there’s a movement. If you Google for “fine free library” you’ll see it has become quite widespread.

  • Kate 19:52 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

    Hôtel-Dieu is opening a homeless shelter with 100 places to start with, although it may expand to 150. This one will be open 24/7 and allow pets.

    • Marckenson 21:19 on 2022-01-09 Permalink

      Hi There I’m in the street of Montréal and I’m looking for a place to stay temporarily someone told me Hotel Dieu it’s possible for a to book before I get there

  • Kate 19:47 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

    The Lakeshore General has refused to turn over the medical records of a woman found dead on the floor in a room in its ER in February. There’s wording in the health act which allows hospitals to put up a barrier to handing over records, although the CBC article goes on to say that it’s possible to fight their resistance.

    • Kate 19:43 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

      Lyme disease from ticks has been declared endemic in the West Island. The spread of these ticks is yet another of the delights being brought to us by global warming.

      • Kate 10:51 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

        Notes on what’s open and closed for Canada Day.

        • Kate 10:49 on 2021-06-30 Permalink | Reply  

          A man was stabbed in the back – non-metaphorically – on Tuesday in Ahuntsic.

          A little later, another man was shot in Ville‑Marie.

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